𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏, blame

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He's not my, uh, boyfriend.


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AS AVA SLIPS THROUGH the door, Kiara wastes no time to lock it while JJ roughly pushes John B away before the blonde whirls around to face his friends with his eyes wide and mouth agape in astonishment.

"How do y'all not see a fucking problem with her going out there by herself?" He snaps, trying to keep his voice as low as his can while anger flows through him, "It's a death trap!"

"JJ, she'll be fine," Kiara says, trying to convince herself as well as her friend, "Just please be quiet."

"You don't know that," He points at her, "She's—"

"Calm down," John B grabs him once more, this time by securely by his shoulders, "And be quiet."

"Jesus christ," JJ scoffs, "I can't calm down and be quiet. Dude, your sister has just gone out there alone to talk to two square groupers who beat Ms Lana up and shot at us," JJ pushes his best friend away, sending him into the desk, rattling the contents.

"JJ—" John B warns.

"Who knows what they'll do to her?" JJ snaps, his nostrils flared as he steps towards the door once more but again is held back by his best friend, "John, let me go."

He shakes his head, and turns them around so John B is the only thing between the blonde boy and the office door while he keeps a strong grip on JJ.

"Get your hands off me," JJ attempts to shrug him off, but the Routledge boy doesn't budge.

"No, JJ. She's fine. Trust me," John B whispers, trying to use a gentle tone to calm the boy down, "You think I would send my own sister out there if I didn't know she'd be okay?"

"I wouldn't put it past you," JJ finally jerks out of his best friend's grip, but instead of attempting to leave, he just steps back and throws a pile of sheets onto the floor.

"Guys, the window's painted shut," Pope states simply.

JJ takes his hands desperately through his already messy hair while trying to ignore the loud yells and bangs coming from outside the office. While the rest of the group woke together in order to open the window, JJ paces back and forth, his kind running crazy while his hands rest linked together onto the back of his head.

"Where is he?" A man yells, his bellow practically shaking the shack.

There's no audibly loud reply from Ava, and another loud crash is followed by a shrill pained scream, causing JJ to heavily flinch and he whirls around to the door, but John B is pressed against it with his eyes squeezed closed.

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒, jj maybank [ rewrite ]Where stories live. Discover now