14. Too Late

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«Catnip's POV»
Running, panting, ear throbbing, I didn't dare look back to see if the Carriers were onto me.
After five minutes of endless pain and suspense, I slowed down to halt and leaned against the refrigerator doors.
I pulled the cool water bottle out of my mini backpack, and took a small sip. I needed to be careful with how much I drink from it, because it wasn't always easy to get to a water fountain. Luckily, Roo always managed to find one nearby to-
I sprinted back to our meeting place. But, when I turned the corner, there was no one there. Panicking, I paced the aisle, trying to think of what I could do.
The signal!
Quickly, I whistled the McDonald's jingle. I held my breath and waited for a response.
Nothing, crap.
I whispered to myself. "Where is sh-"
I was cut off by a deafening shriek that even made my bad ear react.
Ohmigod, it was Roo.
I ran out of the aisle, but didn't know which way to go. Another scream led me to the frozen foods.
Turning the corner, I braced myself for what I might see.
There was Marvel Comics, with a grocery divider in his hands. If he was trying to mess with Roo, I'm not going to think twice about shooting him.
I grabbed my Nerf gun, and was ready to pull the trigger. But my the time I did, the divider had hit her in the gut.
I heard the ding, but didn't know who it was for, until Roo called my name.
"C-Catnip." She barely let out.
I embraced her into a hug. "Shhh."
"Go win this thing." Roo whispered.

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