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If you spot a Taylor Swift reference, comment! (There are 17 title excluded)


« So where should we have this interview? » I asked

At the other side of the phone, she answered

« At my place. »

« Wait, really? »

« Yeah. Meet me there tomorrow at 19. »

« 19? »

« Yeah. Oh and don't eat, i'll cook. »

« Oh, ok, thank you. Well... see you tomorrow. » I said with red cheeks

« Yes. Can't wait to see you, princess. »

« Bye. » I tried not to sound like I was smiling and panicking

« Bye. »

I hung up.

Then, I threw my phone on the hed and jumped around

« I'm going at Aubrey Plaza's place! Oh my god! Aubrey Plaza invited me! She invited me, a random journalist! »

I heard my neighbor knock on the wall


I shut up. I was so excited, I couldn't handle it. I immediately decided to pick what I was gonna wear. A dress was too intense but jeans were too casual... maybe a skirt? A skirt was nice. So I grabbed my half short black skirt and a white top.

I hope she was gonna like it. After all, she was a celebrity. My boss was gonna be so proud of me!


I knocked at the door of the 209th. The penthouse that took all the 30th floor of the building. I heard someone walk to the door, she opened it. When I saw her, I almost fainted. She was wearing a grey blazer with a burgundy blouse and black leather pants.

I could feel the blood rush into my cheeks. I was sure I looked scarlett by now. She smirked

« Wow. You're really pretty, you know that. »

It didn't sound like a question. She let me in and I saluated her

« Hi, Miss Plaza. Thank you so much for receiving me in your penthouse. »

We had already met two times at some events but I decided to stay polite and call her Miss

« Call me Aubrey, I hate being called Miss Plaza. And you're welcome. I mean, it's unusual that people come here so, it's different. I like it though. »

I smiled to her

« So, I hope you're hungry. Because I made diner. You can sit if you want. » she showed the kitchen

This penthouse was at least 5 times bigger than my appartment in the bronx. After all, we were in Manhattan, the place that never sleeps.

I sat at the table and she gave me a plate, she looked so skilled at anything she was doing.

« Have you ever been a waitress? You look skilled with multiple things. » I asked

« Yeah, I have. » she said happy that I was starting to get comfortable « I worked 10 years in an indian restaurant. It was awful, the clients, the temperature. They had good food though. And my boss was nice. So hot. »

« Oh really?! What was his name? »

« Her name was Kamala. »

The blood left my cheeks and I became white. Oh my god! My celebrity crush was into women! Oh my gosh!

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