Gold rush

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Spot the Taylor Swift references. There are 13 (hehe) (title excluded)


I looked as Aubrey was talking to a new girl that I had never seen. There was also a man standing there. I tried not to look angry. Since her last movie, everyone was after her and we didn't have time to see each other.

That was the first time of me seeing her in four whole weeks. And she hadn't answered my texts or calls. I almost thought she had died. So I swept in

« Hi, there, Aubrey! Remember me? » I said sarcastically

« Oh my gosh, hi Kie! »

The blonde girl deathstared me

« Who are you? »

« I'm Kiara Sloan. Who are you? »

« I'm Sarah Richardson. »

There was a cold between us.

« So, as I was saying to Aubrey. » the blonde said touching her arm « I-... »

I clenched my jaw at their contact. I knew my face was a red flush

She's trying to take her faster than I can say sabotage.

« I'm sorry? » she asked

Shit... did I say that out loud.

« Nothing. » I fake smiled

I hated this girl. She loved to act like Aubrey was hers. Aubrey seemed to notice it and she said

« So uh, as Sarah was saying. I'm gonna get interviewed by her. That's her boss» she showed the man with her hand

He introduced himself

« Alwyn. Austin Alwyn. »

I almost broke the glass I was holding.

That was OUR thing. THE reason why Aubrey and I were what we were.

« Okay, Kiara. Come here. »

She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away. I thought we were just gonna stand in a corner and talk about what she just did but no. She brought me outside.

The air of november made me shiver. She took her blazer off and put it on my bare shoulders.

« I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you... Are you okay though? »

I was almost angry that she asked me this.

« Ok? You didn't answer my texts OR calls in four weeks?! What the fuck, Aubrey? »

She sighed and looked away. That situation and our attitudes. That was the way shit always ended.

« Kiara, I couldn't talk to you, because my boss so. They didn't want me to talk to journalists to not spoil the movie. »

« It wasn't about Journalist and Actor. It was about Kie and Brey. »

It seemed to make her think an instant.

« Yeah well. » she started in a mumbling « If you had been my girlfriend maybe it could have worked. But you're not. We never were ready so I had to go. »

If I didn't call off the troops now, I was losing her. I felt it. I couldn't let this happen. So I stepped back and sighed

« I just... I just feel like it was better before. When it was you and me. »

« Kie... my career is getting bigger. Please don't be selfish... »

« I'm sorry. » I hurried to say « I don't mean to be selfish or mean, I just want what's best for you in the end... But. I just hate how people are always after you now, like a fucking gold rush.»

She stepped closer and grabbed my hips

« I'm sorry for the four weeks... that was wrong of me. I'll make it up to you, I promise. »

« How? »

« Tell me, anything. »

« No interview with othee journalists.»

She stepped back

« Oh. So this is what it's about. » luckily she seemed to find funny rather than being mad about it

« I hate that Sarah! Did you see how she wants you? Everybody wants you... » I mumbled

« Oh, you're a jealous jealous girl. » she smiled

« But please, Aubrey, never do that thing of four weeks again, please. »

« I promise. »

« Because it's really killing me when I can't talk to you. »

« I just found out why you're a good journalist. You're dramatic. »

I sighed out loud and pushed her shoulder

« Fuck off. »

« But, Kiara. I'm afraid the interview request is not gonna be possible. The interview is already planned and organized. However, I can ask for you to be there. So you can keep an eye on Sarah. »

I nodded

« Yes. I'll be there. I've got my eye on her. »


I spied with my little eye Sarah peeking at Aubrey. My... Aubrey was getting ready and was putting on some makeup. Sarah was giggling with another girl and was looking at my favorite actress. A few minutes later, the camera started to film. Sarah had to make Aubrey pick in a bag a question and if she refused to answer, she had to take a shot.

I knew Aubrey. She'd do it on purpose not to answer so she could have free shots. I noticed it immediately at the fifth questions. Sarah seemed to get it and she laughed

« Oh my god, Aubrey! Stop! That's so funny. »

I wanted to smack the bitch in the face. At a moment, I even saw her leg touch Aubrey's. I also saw Brey peek at me, hiding a smile for the camera. When it was finally over, Aubrey walked to me. Sarah also walked past me and with a quick brush, she pushed my shoulder with hers.

I turned around and said

« Excuse me? »

« Uh, yeah? » she asked

« Well, you did bump into me so, can you apologize? »

« Bump is a big word. » she said rolling her eyes

« Just apologize already. » Aubrey sighed

« Why? I did nothing wrong here, honey. »

I almost threw hands

« WHO did you call HONEY? »

« Why are you so defensive? » she looked to Aubrey « Is she your girlfriend or something? »

I shut up. I knew if I opened my mouth, it was gonna be bad both for Aubrey's career and mine. Espicially hers. But before I could even think about something else, Aubrey answered

« Yeah. »

« What? »

« Yeah, she's my girlfriend. »

« What? » Sarah stuttered


« Aubrey... why are you doing this? » I said gritting the theeth

« Cause these people are annoying as shit. Oh and you know what? Fuck this interview. Fuck everyone!»

She grabbed my hand and together, we walked to the exit. Hiding behind the building, I leaned back on the wall.

« Why did you do that, oh my god, you're crazy. »

« Don't blame me, love makes me crazy. »

I hugged her

« I knew she was trouble when I first saw her. »

« I'm so happy to be yours. »

« I'm yours too. »

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