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Spot the Taylor Swift reference, title excluded. There are 26


This party was crowded. I had gotten drunk and I was watching all the celebrities dance while they were getting themselves drunk by drinking beer in plastic cups.

It was an after Oscars party and I was invited. Florence had made me famous among celebrities and now I was invited to events like this.

I was sipping my whiskey on ice when someone fell onto the sofa next to me. Her.

« Hey there, princess. » Aubrey said with sparkling eyes and a smirk

« Why'd you always talk like that? » I scoffed making fun of her a little

« What do you mean? » she frowned the brows not losing her smile

« Like... you always have this monotone voice and that low tone. »

« Oh shut up. » she said looking away

« Oh, don't be mad. You should take it as a compliment. »

« How's that a compliment? »

« See you did it again! »

« Argh, stop. »

I loved to mock her little habits and to laugh at her. She did the same. But in fact, I just did that to hide how weak and flustered she made me. She had that magnetic field that was so strong that it could make me fall instantly.

« Why were you talking to everyone here but me? » she asked

« I don't know... »

She touched my hand and said

« I like your dress, by the way. »

« You know why I bought it? »

« No, why? »

I smirked and leaned in to whisper in her ear

« Only bought this dress so you could take it off. »

« Not here, my love. » she said trying to hide her smile too

« Why? »

« Because... Too many people. »

The alcohol had gone to my head. I tried to sit on her but she kindly pushed me down

« No. » she chuckled

« You know there's nothing I hate more than what I can have. » I said kinda mad

« Don't be mad. We'll have all the time tonight. Just not right now. »

I sighed while hugging her waist and putting my head on her shoulder

« You know what I wanna do, right now? »

« Mhm? »

« I wanna dance. »

« Then go. »

« I wanna dance with you. Come on. »

I got up and grabbed her hands

« Come on! »

« No. » she complained « No, Kiara. I'm not a dancer. »

« Tonight you are. »

She followed me and we went on the dance floor. I danced and tried to encourage her. Finally, she started to move a little. After a few seconds, she was batshit crazy on the dancefloor. Shaking her body, swinging her arms in every sense, almost hitting Lizzie Olsen.

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