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Spot the Taylor Swift reference! There are 38. (Title excluded)

15 december, I was in my new appartment in London. Third floor on the West side. But it was as much Aubrey's as mine. We were living together there now, even though she still had her penthouse in New York. I was now a london girl as I was settled there for 2 months now

As I was drinking coffee and looking outside, I heard her enter in the living room. I turned around and smiled

« Hi there. »

« Hi. You know, since we have nothing do today, I was wondering if you wanted to go buy Christmas lights. »

« Oh my gosh yes! Good idea! »

« Okay, go prepare yourself i'm gonna eat. » she said

We did our little routine and then, we went out. We took the car and as I was tossing her the car keys, she said

« Let's put some music. »

We put some and Aubrey started to drive us to the christmas shop. When we arrived, we got out. Holding her hand, I walked throught the door with her, the air was cold even inside. She saw me having goosebumps so she gave me her scarf

« Here. »

I thanked her and kissed her cheek.

Getting out with the christmas lights, I asked

« Let's stop and take a beaver tail! »

« Mpf... I'm tired. »

« Please, please, please, please! » I begged grabbing her arm

« Oh shit, Kiara! » she laughed « Watchout we're gonna car crash. »

I let go of her arm and gave her puppy eyes

« Okay. Sure. » she sighed « Let's get your beaver tail. »

We stopped at our favorite shop and I took mine. She refused to have one but when we were in the car, she asked

« Give me a bite. »

« What? »

« I want a bite. »

« No! You should have grabbed yourself one. »

« First, I stopped there for you, second, i'm the driver, I can get us in a car crash any time if you refuse. »

Knowing her, she was only half joking.

« Okay fine. » I rolled my eye

I approached the beaver tail to her mouth trying not to make us die in a car crash. The sugar crumbled everywhere and she complained

« KIARA. »

« I'm sorry. » I giggled

She opened her mouth but we took a bump and jumped. If someone had seen us, they would thought we were crazy. Well, Aubrey was. But me? She finally took her bite, wich was half my beaver tail, but anyways.

« Aubrey, come on! »

« What? » she answered the mouth full

I turned around to eat and peace and she focussed again on the road. But when I looked at her she had a smirk... that goddamn smirk. Sometimes I wondered if I had known her one year or ten.

I know we had done all that soon, we only had met each other last Winter. But I loved her so much. We arrived home and she went to grab the ladder. She climbed it and I handed the lights

« Here! »

She hanged the little tinsel while I did absolutely nothing next to her, except admiring my beautiful girlfriend. We moved the ladder and this time, I was the one climbing. Since I was shorter, I went on tiptoe and she held my waist to keep me from falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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