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me and josh were sitting on the couch, cuddling me. i was working on my essay that was due tomorrow. i noticed that josh's legs were spread. honestly, i wish that i was sitting on his lap. but no, i need to focus, but i couldn't stop looking at him. he looks over at me and smiled softly.

"what, do you need anything?" he asked.

"nah, i'm just, tryna get this essay done." i say back. i was a little nervous because he had this little smirk planted on his lips. i was horny, but i needed to get my essay done. i need him. i want him soooo bad. but i had to quickly look away. i felt his arm wrapped around my waist and he kept his hand on my stomach. this hand placement gave me butterflies on my pussy. i couldn't resist his touch. i really need him inside of me. cockwarming was the best solution for me to concentrate.

i looked at him then down to his lips. i could even see this jaw clenched a bit. fuck he's so fucking fine.

"babe?" i started and he quickly faced me.

"yes, babygirl?" he replied.

i swore my pussy did a huge backflip.

i bit my bottom lip, thinking about what to say next. i didn't want to make him nervous about the idea of me cockwarming him but... i just need to feel him around me.

"what you thinking about?" he said cupping my cheeks. he looked at my eyes then down to my lips.

"i... ummm... i can't focus... i mean... could help me..."

"on what? your essay?"

"no, i umm... with something else?"


"can i cockwarming you?" i quickly say then i felt my face heat up then he laughed.

why is he laughing?

"why?" he said still laughing.

"i'm serious. it will help me focus." i said sternly and he stopped laughing.

"babe, i've never done that before though?" he admitted. i smiled then suddenly straddled on top of him. i looked down at him and kissed him.

"it's okay, all you need to do is put your dick inside of me and leave it in there." i explained. he smirked then laughed.

"just like that, you don't want me to fuck you?" he suggested.

"no, i just need you in me, that's all." i say, waiting for his response.

"baby, are you seriously sure?" he said.

"babe, yes, please." i practically begged. he smiled then i slightly moved so that he could pull his sweatpants down. i was only wearing my thong since i was only wearing a baggy t-shirt. i slid my thongs to the side feeling his hard length on my clit. he look at me and slightly groaned to the response of my wetness. he slid it all the way up to my g-spot. he literally stretched me open.

"fuck, you're sooo tight." he moaned, until i was able to sit on his lap.

i grabbed my laptop, placing on the table behind the couch and continued with my work. i felt him moving his legs slightly, and i knew that he wanted more from me.

"babe, stop moving, i just need to finish this."

"baby, it's not my fault, you're literally on my dick." he said making me face him. i loved the way he sounded while talking to me like that. he was teasing me again by using those pet names. he looked at me and i saw his dark brown eyes staring right through me. he placed one of his hand on my chin and slowly dragged me closer to his mouth and kissed me. i closed my eyes kissing back, trying not to think about everything i was doing. when he pulled away, i opened my eyes and he was smirking. i furrowed my brows and he chuckled.
"you're so cute." he began kissing my neck, and slowly moved up to bite my earlobe. "babe." he moans out. "you're killing me here." he said pulling away from my neck.
"i'm sorry, i just need to finish this." i say.

he threw his head back and i could feel his hand down my ass. i really need him to fuck me right on the spot but i need to focus, i can't keep thinking about his dick all the time, i mean he was inside of me but, i didn't want to keep thinking about it. i face him and he looked into my eyes. his pupils were dilated, i knew he enjoyed being inside of me.

"babe, please, i just wanna fuck youuuu soo bad." he groaned.

i know, but i need to focus!

i looked down then back at him. i leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly.

"please?" he mouthed against my lips then kissed me again.

"yeah, once i'm done." i say facing my laptop. i was so close to finishing my work until he suddenly slammed my laptop closed.

"babe, i was nearly doneee-" i said then he grabbed my neck and pulls me for a harsh kiss.

he carried me then pushed me against the wall, still being inside of me. i slightly moaned then he smirked.

"what, baby, don't like being teased, huh?" he whispered into my ears.

just ruining me already.

i shook my head and he grabbed onto my waist then placed me onto the couch, without removing his dick out of my pussy.

"please, daddy, just fuck me already!" i moaned, as he attempted to pull out. he slowly started thrust in and out of my gushing folds. i really couldn't take it. he leaned into me and i suddenly wrapped my legs around his waist. this time he went faster. i could feel my orgasm starting. i wasn't sure if this was good or bad. maybe both, he was definitely making it better than usual. i heard him moan quietly and i knew he was too. he slowly started rocking his hips and i knew he was close too. i gripped onto his shoulders, moaning loudly.

"it feels sooo *moans*" my legs started shaking as he went even faster than before. he quickly pulled out.

"i need you to turn around for me." he said. i quickly turned around putting my face down and ass up almost arching my back. he slapped my ass leaving a few hand print marks.

he pushed his finger into my pussy and started to finger me. i bit my bottom lip as his finger stretched my walls open.

"fuck!" i moaned. he pulled out, licking the juices of his fingers then sliding his dick back into my wet hole. i could feel him pumping in and out so fast. we both moaned. he kept pushing his dick deeper into me.
"daddy I...." i was going to beg, instead he grabbed a fist full of my hair and went even crazier with me. i could feel my orgasm approaching. i could also tell by his loud moans that he was going to cum too. as i tightens my walls around his dick, i felt him slowly down. i felt him do all the way up my g-spot.

"i'm gonna cum, i'm cumming!" i moaned, he slowed down, still pushing in and out of me. i felt him nut in me. he fell onto my back, not pulling out. i guess he still wanted me to cockwarming him.

"that was amazing!" he pants then he kisses my neck.

"maybe i should be cockwarming you often then." i say, letting out a little laugh before he actually pulled out.


𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟐𝟕5

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