college innocence 4

406 7 0

~smut warning~

Omniscient POV

billie was in her room, currently facetiming her boyfriend. it was 10pm in the evening and instead of her getting some sleep, she wanted to see joshua again.

"baby, i miss you..." she pouts through the screen. josh cheesed at her.

"i'm literally coming over tomorrow, baby."

"i- i know but i need you next to meee!" billie whined.

"should i come over? now?"

"if you want to... you know what, yes please come over! i need to you next to me." she grinned looking down at the bright screen.

"okay, i'll come over, just for you, babygirl." he rasped before getting out from his bed.

"okay see you soon." billie said then hung up. she squealed in excitement and just as she was about to get up, her door slightly opens.

"billie, you good?" it was michelle.

(if you forgot who michelle was)

" omg, josh is coming over, like right now!"

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" omg, josh is coming over, like right now!"

"oh really?!" she said, smirking and smiling at me.

"yeah but don't you get any ideas."

"what do you mean? i didn't say anything."

"i'm telepathic... so i know what you were thinking."

"okay... sorry."

"fuck, what do i wear...?" she say getting up and walking over to my draw. billie opened it and pulled out something kinda cute and sexy. obviously she wanted to keep it for a special occasion which was now.

"how about... this?" she asked michelle.

"perfect, that would make him go nuts, if you know what i mean."

"no i don't." billie said sarcastically. over these past few months, she started to understand more about her sexuality. and she was even more curious about it. she learnt that it was okay to try new things, so that's what she's going to do.

"okay, i think the black one is cute, after all his favourite color is black."

"oh really?" she asked and michelle nodded.

"yeah, he said because it makes him look sexy."

"oh, did he now?"

"yeah, and if he sees this on you, he's gonna love it."

"okay, lemme get changed. gimme a sec."

she takes the dress and went into the bathroom.

i took a quick shower, making sure i was fresh. then i did my skin and hair care routine and after that, i put on the gown. it was very silky on my bare skin. it was really comfortable too.

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