drunken love

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josh went out with his friends and honestly, i didn't mind him being gone knowing that i trust him to behave and keep his hands to himself. and i also respect him and his wishes to meet up with his friends.

he actually went out for his friends birthday so they decided to go to a club (not a strip club, i hope), i obviously knew that he was going drink so that kinda threw me over the edge a little. all i hope is that he comes home safe and not making any stupid decisions.

11:37 pm


hi, baby
how are you doing?
i already miss you 😢
read 11:34

i'm good babe, i miss you too❤️

okay, call me if you need anything, okay?
i love you and stay safe

okay baby, i love you too
read 11:39

i turned on netflix on my tv and i began to rewatch the office. i quickly went into the kitchen to grab some takis and a drink.

12:26 am

i felt my phone buzz right beside me. it was josh. facetiming me. i quickly picked it up and on my screen was a very drunk josh.

"hi, babe, you okay?" i say.

"billie." he said was a smirk on his face. i could clearly tell he had a lot to drink.

"can you come pick me up, pleaseee?i really miss you. a lot." he slurred through his words slightly.

"okay, sure, where abouts are you?"

"wait, i'll show you." he said switch the camera. all i could see was people... i didn't know what he was showing me.

"babyyy, thanks but that wasn't helpful at all, but don't worry, i'll text one of your friends okay, just stay there."

"mhm" josh handed his phone to his friend noah.

"was' up b?" he said overlaying the loud music from where they are at.

"listen, i need the address to come pick up josh, where abouts are you?"

"oh i'll text the address to you one sec." he said giving the phone back to josh, who was still looking drunk and tired.

"bae, i'll see you soon, okay, just stay where you are." i say getting up from the couch and sliding on my crocs. i looked at the screen and he was still looking at me.

"babe, i said i'm coming." i said then he smirked.

"i can't wait to see you." he said then i saw smoke come out of his mouth.

"now, what did i say about you smoking?" i said while i was leaving the house. i opened the car door and entered.

"i promise this is m-my last time." he slurred.

"okay, i'm gonna go now, see you later." i say hanging up and looking at the message that noah sent me.

i typed it onto the navigation app and soon i started to drive.

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