The Guest Room

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                 Zayne woke up with a groan and innately rolled into himself. The sick pain in his stomach worked in tandem with a throbbing headache. Some of the feelings were all too familiar. As he steadily got his breathing into a calmer noise, he struggled to get up. Through his struggle of trying to sit up, he realized when he opened his eyes it wasn't helping that he was on a bed. The cushions easily gave in a little with each movement. He slowly lowered himself into a laying position before trying to sit up again, this time with less panic and struggle.

As he deliberately scooted and sat at the edge of one of the sides of the bed, he observed his surrounding as much as he could with the soreness of his body and scratchy throat. Zayne almost dared himself to take in a deep breath but stopped himself from doing so, it would only enhance the dry feeling in his throat. He involuntarily swallowed only to be met with wheezing coughs. The room seemed light and spacious, and if Zayne knew better he would instantly call it homely compared to other noble estates. The room was dyed in shades of yellows but not overwhelmingly. Maybe it was the afternoon.

He furrowed his brows in thought, logically, it was fortunate that he survived such an ordeal given his quality of life, his second life, at the reminder that his thoughts brought him to, he glared into the open space. Now that he was here most of it on the basis of some meta-knowledge he had to be careful to not rely on it too much. If he overthought it maybe he was actually luxuriously kidnapped but those kinds of assumptions were meant for protagonists. Zayne wasn't going to delve into it because he wasn't living as a character and he wasn't going to start looking at the world as a book. He had plans, well simply put, he needed to be more active in his ways as a noble.

One thing Zayne had never thought about until now was his position in life, he had privileges compared to most of the populace. He was the son of a Duke, he almost scoffed before stopping himself. It meant a lot right now but this was all forcing him to think about the future in what was an unlikely scenario. He wanted to dig his palms into his face, the mannerism becoming more of a want lately even if unseemly. As he was just about to do it he heard a knock at the door. He didn't bother replying, knowing that the person on the other side would come in eventually. He didn't know who exactly entered as his back was towards the door. He was waiting for the tell of movement but instead of hearing feet moving first, he had heard a nice and clear voice.

"I see that you're awake," The voice was pleasant-sounding but it had the same tone that reminded Zayne of all the other maids at the estate making him believe that this person was experienced.

He sluggishly waved his hand in a come here motion, acknowledging that she could come closer. As she obliged he wasn't as surprised as he should've been, he was tired and he stared dully at the maid. He quickly took in her appearance in case she would become a reoccurring fixture in his life. The Zayne from before would've assumed right away that the maid in front of him belonged to a higher noble house. The reality couldn't be farther from his premature thoughts. She had silver hair tied in two braids, both of them shaping in hoops in what seemed to meet up in the back. They never made eye contact as that was above her station but Zayne could see that her eyes were in a color he could only describe as lilac.

She clearly had the lineage of a demon folk whether she got hit with it recessively didn't matter to him though. His assumptions on discrimination were appeased through this interaction, it showed that the Marquess was inclusive and that it was a common thing. Her head was slightly tilted down in a demure way. Zayne made to speak but instead lightly wheezed in a weak cough. Reminding him that the hospitality here was lacking especially considering the other party's perception of who they were receiving.

He was readily given a glass of water just like that, this time Zayne had to blink to show his surprise. He drank from the cup restrainingly so as to not make himself look like a fool. As soon as he was done he started to speak, his voice still weak but not as hoarse as it could be.

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