Positive/negative traits they have

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Nick postive traits: Funny, Smart, Caring, Intelligent, Loyal, optimistic, and Genorous

Nick negative traits: Needy, Spoiled, Cocky, Reactive, Fearful,  and Conceided

Chris postive traits: Loyal, Patient, Brave, Caring, Bright, Polite, Sensitive, Loving, Friendly, Kind, Encouraging, and thoughtful

Chris negative traits: Hyperactive, Reactive, Hesitant, Clingy, Unconfident, Stubborn, Gives up quickly, moody, feels sorry all the time, and Quick tempered

Matt postive traits: Funny, Sweet, Caring, Forgiving, Intelligent, Loyal, Kind, Genorous, Open minded, Cheerful, and Respectful

Matt negative traits: Bad anxiety, Less patient, Ruled by his emotions, Over thinks, and Shy

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