How they would react if you had a miscarrige

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Nick is your best friend in this one!!!!! Also I am sorry if this triggers anyone...

Date published: January 17th, 2024

Time published: 11:51

Pronouns: She/her (like I said Nicks your best friend in this)

Requested by: mybfismattsturniolo

Matt: It was just a normal day for you guys well you thought it was a normal day. It was in the middle of the night when you got up to use the bathroom you. You didn't notice until you were done that there was blood. You quickly went to yours and Matt's shared room and woke him up. "Matt" He didn't move "MATT" He instantly woke up. "Baby what's wrong" "We need to get to the hospital now I think something is wrong with the baby" "What do mean that you think something is wrong with the baby" A tear slips down your face "Matt I got up to use the bathroom and there was blood and" "Oh my gosh love we definitely need to go then just to make sure" You guys head to the hospital once you got there they had the both of you wait for a few minutes. A nurse called you guys back and checked everything."I am so sorry Mrs and Mr. Sturniolo but unfortunately you had miscarried." "What..?" I asked as tears start to fall down my cheeks. "I'll give you guys a minute and you can leave whenever you are ready." She left and Matt pulls me into a hug. I sat there a sobbed in his arms. My baby girl is gone I will never get to meet her. "Hey, bub everything will get better but for now how about we go get you some ice cream and we can head home." "That would be amazing."

I sat in the doctors office giving myself a minute before leaving so the blurriness out of my eyes. How am I gonna tell Chris that I had a miscarriage? God this is so hard losing both babies in which we ever got to know the gender of them. I walked out and headed straight home thinking of how Chris is going to react. I walked into the house and seen Chris on the couch with his brothers. "Hey um Chris can I talk to you in private for a minute?" "Sure love are u okay?" I just shook my head no and we go downstairs to our room. "What's going on?" "Well you know how I was bleeding this morning and didn't know why?" "Yeah what did you find out?" I choked for a second trying hold back tears. "Well it turns out I miscarried so that is why I was bleeding." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I couldn't hold it back anymore I started crying falling into his arms. "My babies are gone now I'll never get the opportunity to care for them as well." His words make me cry harder. It's been a couple of hours already Chris and I just stayed our room for the rest of the day cuddling.

You and Nick were hanging out today he is one of your best friends also the god father of your baby. While you guys were hanging out you suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom. As you were going to the bathroom you saw blood in your underwear. "What the..." that is when you realized that you might have miscarried your baby. "NICK COME HERE FOR A SECOND." I cleaned myself up and I hear footsteps getting closer to the bathroom. "Hey u okay?" "Not really..." "What's going on?" "I think I miscarried because I found blood in my underwear." "Oh Y/n I am so sorry." He pulled me into a hug as I cried. I never wanted this to happen. "You still have your ice cream in the freezer if you want that to help cheer u up." "Yeah I would that. Thank you Nick for everything." "No problem I told I'd be here and I kept that promise."

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