Chapter 2. The Inn

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Chapter 2. The Inn

The last 5 minutes on the subway were agonizing. Waiting to get off at a stop I rarely went to was the most terrifying thought. The subway slowed and the doors opened. I made my way out of my uncomfortable seat, and eventually out of the subway station.

The street lights illuminated the dark night and music boomed out of the local clubs. I was quickly drawn to my favorite song that I could hear in the distance, Stand By Me, by Ben E. King.  Music has been and still is a big part of my life. Something about the beat and flow of each song gave me a boost of dopamine every day.  I hummed the mellow tune quietly as I followed to the source. Taking a right out of the station, the music grew closer. Once more I make a sharp right onto the true Christopher Street.

I approached a bar called 'Stonewall Inn.' "That sounds familiar." I think to myself. There is no chance I am getting into the standing bar though. Not that I would want to anyways.

As I turn around to leave I see an incredible sight. A woman... er a man? Anyways, she was extremely fabulous. She had beautiful short, bouncy, brown, curly, hair. Flowers were perfectly laid in said hair, and many pieces of chunky jewelry in every color. The shade of a light blue dress perfectly matched her chocolate brown skin.

I must have been staring for far too long before she was standing next to me speaking and saying, "Hello there." I quickly tried to regain my composure and responded. "Oh, uh... Hi. Sorry for staring." My cheeks turned a bright red color, I could feel it. She gave me a slight nod before speaking again. "My name is Marsha, what is yours?" She spoke with grace, like she wanted to be talking to me. "M-My name is Danny. Nice to meet you." I didn't know how to feel at this moment. She made me feel okay at that moment. Like nothing had happened a few hours prior.

"Are you going in?" The question sounded insane. I was a minor, I couldn't. "Um... I can't. I'm too young." I could see a shift of confusion on her face. "What do you mean?" As soon as the words left her mouth her face then turned to understanding. "Oh, You haven't been here before, have you?" I shook my head steadily. "No ma'am, and quite honestly I don't even know what this bar is." I look up to see the shock on her face.

What happened next really shocked me. She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine and pulled me to the bar. "Are you going to tell me what this bar is?" I ask as she pulls me hastily in. "You will see, young one." She speaks ominously which gets my heart racing. The bouncer looks at her and smiles. "Welcome home Marsha." He speaks with joy and gladly pulls the door open for the both of us. "Sign in, but don't use your real name. This place is runned by the mob." Marsha says as we get to a clipboard and piece of paper. I contemplate for a second then put down a fake name, James Smith. I look at Marsha and she nods with approval. "Welcome to Stonewall, Danny."

As soon as I walk in I am engulfed in a vibe of chill and okayness. Something I have been waiting for my whole life. The flamboyance made the room accepting and free. I turned to Marsha with true tears of joy in my eyes. "Everyone here is-" I look around at something so beautiful. People living their truth. "Yeah, it's amazing isn't it." I finally feel a sense of calm. Not safe, nowhere is safe, but I'm content with myself at this moment. "How did you know?" I ask quietly. "You can always tell baby." I giggle a little bit at the syne remark. "Now go have fun. I'll find you at the end of the night though. I don't want you getting hurt." I nodded and made my way into the booming crowd.

Dancing was one thing that I was good at. My whole life I had taken dance classes. It was a way of escapism for me. Escaping the life I once had. Meeting new people had always been scary for me, but this was different. It was like everyone knew each other. It was like a little family.

I suddenly hear a 'hey' pointed at me. I turn around to see a smiling, tall man, with bleach blonde hair, a bright green t-shirt, and white pants. He looks a little older than me but not by much "Hello?" I am a little confused. "I haven't seen you here before. You new?" I nod just a little bit before he wraps his arms around my slim figure and hugs me. I stand there for a second before hugging back. I guess people really like hugs around here.

He finally lets go and says, "I always love the new ones." I smile at him a little trying not to be awkward. "My name is James by the way." The blonde man says. "Danny." I stuck out my hand for him to shake, "Nice to meet you." he took my hand and replied.

"You want something to drink?" Is he insane? Does he clearly not see that I am a minor? "Um- just water I guess." He looked at me with confused eyes. "No, I meant like alcohol." I look at him with wide eyes. "Yeah, I know. I just want some water though." He nods and walks to the bar across the room. I took a long, deep breath and followed with a sigh of relief. Talking to people isn't my strong suit if you couldn't already tell.

I try to mingle with the rest of the crowd trying to fit in. But I can't shake this feeling of being alone, and an outsider. All of these people are so open and free with themselves and I am just not... all of that. I'm not confident in myself enough to be free. I don't think I ever will be.

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