Napstablook : Blookie

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"Napstablook!    Why so sad?"
He's definitely more gloomy than normal.
"O-oh,  h-hey Y/n."   The blue ghost monster said as he floates near his DJ set,   looking miserable.    "I've been having having the worst case of musicians block ever,  everything just doesn't sound right."
He looked ready to cry.
"Oh Blookie."  I said.  I've never called him that before,  but I think he needs some loving attention.   We've only just started dating,  plus it rolled right off my tongue as sweet as syrup.    I pulled him into my embrace,   caressing his ghostly head.

"Maybe you just need a day out?  Common Blookie,  we can go on an adventure!"
I looked hesitant for a moment,  but then easily agreed.   "Alright,  just don't leave my side please.  You know how anxious I get in public."  I nodded with a smile and went on an adventure around the Underground


"I remember your headphones were breaking,  so I thought we could find you new ones.    Sans told me this place got a pretty advanced stock of headphones."
I babbled to Napstablook was we entered the electronic store.    He gawked at the wide selection for electronics,  as well as some electric instruments.
"What set would you like Blookie?"
That Nickname just comes so natural,  and by the look in his eyes he absolutely loved it.

He glided through the isle like a child in a candy store,  practically stary eyed.
He came back with a Blue and (f/c) Microphone,  mic stand,  and headset all on a trolley.

I giggled at his pure joy.
"Was there any instrument you wanted to try?  I'm sure that might help with Musicians block."   He lit up even more,  he was practically sparkling at this point.   He rushed off with the trolley and came back with bells,  a new synthesizer,  a beat pad,  and an electric tin drum.

We stopped at Grillby's before we dropped Napstablook's things at his house.
"Where to next Y/n? "  he asked as we left Grillby's.   "MTT."


"Why of course darling,  inspiration is my specialty.  One of many of course."   The tall egotistical robot boasted.    "Let me see,   I think setting a scene with costume and emotion will help get that imagination pumping again Napsta!"   Mettaton sifted through all of his closets,  each filled to the brim with clothing of all styles.  He stopped as he realized something important.
"Cousin,  what style were you thinking of?"
Napstablook glanced at me with a grin.
"A simple bowtie will do for me Mettaton,  but something elegant."

Mettaton gasped in glee "But of course!"
And went back to searching.
"We can even get an album decided while we are at it!"   Mettaton squealed,  getting cameras set as well as lights.

Time passed and Napstablook did a beautiful short romantic skit with me

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Time passed and Napstablook did a beautiful short romantic skit with me.
"The emotion and scene is set darling,  are you ready dear?"  He asked me as I sat in front of the camera since Napstablook liked the idea of me being the cover.  
"Yes I am."

I held a bouquet of beautiful pastel flowers called Blush-a-lots (I made that up,  they are flowers that glow like they are blushing.   They come in pinks,  blues, purples, and yellows.   They look like a fusion of daffodils,  chrysanthemum and peonies.)


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The lighting gave me an ethereal glow,  just like the bouquet

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The lighting gave me an ethereal glow,  just like the bouquet.   A few flashes and a few pose changes was all that was needed.
"Woah"  was all Napstablook could muster as he and Mettaton gushed over the pictures.  He picked one and then we were off again.


We sat in the beautiful field of echo flowers and relaxed,   the crystal blue waterfall echoing off the walls created a soft atmosphere.

"Thank you Y/n,   I needed this."
I turned to say something,  but didn't get far since his ghosty lips met mine.    The kiss was light and sweet it felt like I was floating. 
It only lasted a few moments,  but it felt like ages.   We parted,  both blushing.

One week later Napstablook made his biggest hit yet,  with Y/n being featured as vocals in all of his songs.

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