UnderSeap Sans : A Little Blueberry

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I've been in the Underground for a year now,   I have no intention on leaving anyway.   Especially because of a cute cinnamon rolls named Sans.    So I couldn't help the smile that graced my face when I saw him running over.

"Y/n!  Look at this new fruit I found in the Waterfall cave!"    "Sans,  you've found this fruit before.   Like a month ago."
Be pouted and held it out to me.
"Can we just pretend it's new?"
He was just too cute.   "Alright,  we can pretend it's new."
He gave me one of his famous Blueberry hugs,  something that i will never grow tired of.

"Come on!  Let's make some pie with it,  I bet it'll taste amazing!"

He took my hand and pulled me into the Skelebro house,  setting the basket of "new fruit" on the counter.   He dug through cookbooks and sifted through pages,   until he found a pie recipe.  

"Flour,  sugar.... "  he listed every necessary ingredient and their measurements,  so I got all the ingredients and measuring supplies.
"Ok,  so first we have to get the crust ready."
He is absolutely adorable when he concentrates. 
"I can do the filling if you'd like."  He eagerly nodded and got started on the crust.
He read each direction down to the T,  satisfied when we brought the fresh pie out of the oven.    The delicious smell drew Papyrus out of his room.
"Papy,  we made pie.  Want some?"
"Yeh,  smells delish."

The pie was gone in no time   and by the looks of it Sans was read for a nap.
I picked up the surprisingly light skeleton and laid him on his bed,  cuddling with him like I do every nap.   He complains about not being able to sleep without me,  but I don't mind.

He's my cute little Blueberry.

All done with this one.  If request pop up I'll indulge on em.

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