Chapter-20 Inner Turmoil

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Practically,jungkook was dancing with lia his all focus should be on dance and on the girl  with whom he is dancing,but his  whole attention was on the two person standing a little far from dance floor. They seems to interacting so well.

While here he is mentally disturbed. Instead of doing a conversation with his dance partner,his eyes were gawked on those two. And if lia tried to initiate,he would just give small replies or nod his head not having any idea what actually they are talking about.

And it seriously pissed Lia. She knows he have a wife but at least for a minute he could focus on her. It's not like she is going to snatch him from her.

Pfftt.. lovesick boy.

Only if she knew.

Jungkook didn't even care what will she thought. He wants to move his gaze from them but couldn't. It's like his eyes were glued on them and he is not interested to see anything else.

Jungkook saw how jimin laughed and was gazing fondly at y/n. Though jungkook looked calm,in reality he was churned up inside. The small smile she flashed created a weird feeling in his heart.

After seeing the next scene he just wants to run towards them and pull y/n away from him,when he saw jimin forwarding his hand to y/n. Is he is asking her for dance? How dare he?

But what make him look at y/n in disbelief when she put her hand on jimin's. Did she just accepted his request? How could she?

The boy feel anger build inside him.
However more than anything why he is feeling bad? Why the anger is turning into sadness and disappointment? Is it because instead of lia he could have chosen y/n?

He simply could  have denied lia's request and had asked y/n to join him. But then his mind reminds him he never considered his wife's opinion. How shameful right?

All he did was blame her, giving cold shoulder,rude replies, considering her the reason for ruining his life, disrespecting her efforts. Memories keep flooding back, reminding him how cruel he behaved towards his own wife,who never asked him anything. Isn't it funny that he never gave her a reason to be happy. What these things tell him is,Jeon Jungkook was never a good husband for his wife.

He never was a perfect husband. This makes him feel nothing but nauseous and shameful on his own deeds. How heartless he behaved. What was her fault?

A lump formed in his throat witnessing the two weaving their way from the crowd to dance floor.
The sight infront of him was paining him. His eyes were too busy roaming on them that he didn't notice when his hand slipped from lia's hand and legs starts to move on their own towards exit, mind ignoring the girl who is calling him. Right now the boy wants to be alone,get rid of the suffocation.

The cold breeze caressed his face, leading him to close his eyes. His shaking hands formed fist,when the scene of minute ago flashed in his mind.

How close they were,how her eyes were shining. The way he was holding her. How perfectly her hand were fitting in his. The way she was looking so comfortable yet relaxed. Every single scene is stinging his eyes. Why he is not the reason behind her comfort and smile? Why he is not in that place? Simple,he never gave importance to this relationship.

Jungkook was so busy living in his past,that he never gave a thought to his present. Oh how badly he is regretting now. But does it matters now?

He looks down to his hand and wonder how her hands will look in his. Will they fit perfectly?

Shaking his head to get rid of everything his mind is playing,he looks up at the sky and unknowingly a shaky breath left from his mouth.

Jimin and y/n returned back to their previous place after dancing. It was her first time dancing like this and she surely enjoyed all because of Jimin. He was so friendly that y/n didn't even felt uncomfortable. In between he keep complimenting her, appreciating her efforts which make her all nervousness flew away. And seriously she is so thankful for his kind behaviour and literally was touched because of his patient personality. 

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