Oh no.

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Emily layed on her bed looking at all the old photos of her and Sasha. Sure, she missed those times but she then remembered what happened that day. Emily then frowned and quickly deleted the photos in anger.

"Stupid Sasha. How DARE she try and destory my one and only friendship?! She is already SO POPULAR! Is being in a friendship of 10 not enough? Everyone at school loves her too!" Emily talked to herself in anger.

Ding! There was a notification on her phone. Emily checked it. It was from her classmate, Maya!

"Huh? My classmate Maya texted me? But how? Oh right! The class group chat!" said Emily.

She then saw 10 notifications.

"Are you kidding me?!" yelled Emily. "Oh well. I'll just read it then.

As she read the first text, she dropped her phone on her bed in shock.

"H-huh?! Samantha told Maya that our friendship is...over...?" Emily said, startled.

She continued to read the other texts.

"No...this can't be! THERE MUST BE SOME KIND OF MISTAKE!!!" Emily yelled.

Then, Samantha texted her. The text read:
"Hey. After finding out what kind of a person you are, I guess Sasha was right after all. I regret being your friend. So this just means we will remain as classmates, maybe enemies. I am sorry but we shall not talk anymore. I'm sorry, best friend."

Emily started to cry.

"No...NO!!! This can't be! My one and only friendship..." cried Emily.

Emily did not know what to do. All she did was cry.

(CANCELLED)"I'm sorry, best friend."Where stories live. Discover now