Chapter 12

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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

Previous chapter

Ayan teased, "That smile of yours might even earn you a stipend!"

Despite his joy, Wat's expression darkened as he murmured, "My dad won't accept."

Ayan placed a reassuring hand on Wat's shoulder and urged him, "Go talk to your dad. Be courageous. If you have any doubts today, you'll regret it forever. At some point, everyone faces a crossroads."

"One path leads to a campus interview, a comfortable life, a typical 9-to-5 job," Ayan continued, while Akk added playfully, "The other path leads to a forest filled with animals and the art of photography. This decision will define your future. Choose wisely."

With those words lingering in the air, Ayan and Akk left Wat to ponder his options, standing at the threshold of a life-altering decision.



At Wat's home, his father asked his wife, "Will he like this gift?" His eyes fixed on the brand new laptop placed on the table.

Wat's mom sighed and replied, "We are already knee deep in debts. Is this laptop necessary now? That too, so expensive."

Wat's father reassured her, "Don't be silly. It's his first job. Our dream for decades will be realized shortly. Trust me."

As the day unfolded, Wat returned home without attending the campus interview. Wat's mom shook her head in disbelief. Turning around, she was surprised to see Wat standing in front of their home.

"Wat!?" she called out, shocked by his unexpected visit.

His father, equally surprised, ushered Wat inside and inquired, "Isn't it your campus interview today?"

With a deep breath, Wat confessed, "I didn't go, dad."

Perplexed, his father pressed, "Why?"

Wat gathered his courage and stated firmly, "I don't want to be an engineer, dad," causing both of his parents to gasp in disbelief. 

In the midst of a heated situation, Wat's father shouted, "That tattered tramp Ayan has brainwashed you!" 

Wat shook his head emphatically and replied, "I am not inclined towards engineering, Dad. Even if I become one, I'd be the worst engineer ever." 

With conviction in his voice, Wat continued, "Ayan's simple belief is, do what you love. Then it won't be just a job, but sheer joy!"

Wat's father, frustration evident in his tone, retorted, "What will you earn in that middle-of-nowhere career?" 

Wat calmly responded, "I won't earn much, but I'll learn a lot." However, Wat's father persisted, "In five years, your classmates will be well settled with cars, bungalows, etc. You'll regret your choices then."

Wat, with tears welling up in his eyes, countered, "I'll be happy, Dad. Only if I become an engineer will I feel terrible." 

Wat's father shook his head in disbelief. "You'll be the laughing stock of our city, Wat! Everyone is so proud that my son will become an engineer. 'To study in IEC, your son must be truly blessed'... Your uncle says this all the time. What will they think now?" he questioned, concern evident in his voice.

With teary eyes, Wat replied, "My uncle did not install an air-conditioner in my room, dad. He did not pay my fees, dad. When I was a kid, he did not carry me around the zoo, dad. You did all of this, dad. Only what you did matters to me, dad."

STEPS TO HIS HEART | AYANAKK FFWhere stories live. Discover now