003. married to the music

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married to the music
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮THREE! married to the music╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Ashley Parker didn't know how she got herself roped into translating Russian. She only thought her minimum wage job would just bring low pay, long hours, rude self-entitled customers and occasionally, sore arms due to the heavy lifting.

The last thing she expected was to be sitting in the back room, figuring out some sort of Russian code that was apparently supposed to save America from an incoming invasion.

She didn't know what this curly hair boy was on. Sure, she had only just met him but she was already confused by his wild mindset. Was he dropped as a child? Did he watch too much GI Joe in his spare time? Or did he actually believe that the Russians were out to get them and invade their shitty small town.

Either way, she thought this whole thing was ridiculous. She didn't even know why she had roped herself into this. She thought this whole idea sounded fake and stupid. The whole Cold War phenomenon was not something that she was worried about. She just couldn't understand.

But she took one good look at Robin Buckley and everything fell into place.

Ashley volunteered to do this because of her. The look of excitement on her face was enough to convince her to sit through this bullshit. She also loved seeing her intelligent kind in action. She knew Robin was smart but didn't know that she was indeed a language master.

Her infatuation with the girl was enough to keep her sitting in the chair and swallow any sarcastic comments that she would of made. She just continued to sit in silence with the other two as they listened carefully to the Russian message that was playing from the tape recorder.

"Wait, that last part." Robin exclaimed suddenly. "Just one more time."

"Ok." Dustin nodded, rewinding the tape one more time for the dirty blonde girl to hear. The sound of a male speaking in Russian filled the air again.

All it took was one more listen for her to figure out another word in the foreign sentence. "Okay, that word! It's pronounced......dly-nna-ya." Robin announced happily at her observation.

"Dly-nna-ya?" Dustin and Ashley questioned in sync.

"Which is spelled........" Robin looked at the pair, hoping something would click in their minds.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ! robin buckley Where stories live. Discover now