Who's Whose

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"Mamas, breakfast is ready! Tama na po yang landian please. You have the whole day to do that pero kami, on the other hand, have lakad and errands to run pa." Issa shouted at the top of her lungs while she and her siblings arranged the food cooked by Aika and Ianna on the table.

Issa has always been the "loud" one so it wasn't something new that her voice would be heard echoing all around their home. She is not afraid to speak her mind about something that sometimes the fam would tease her, saying that she's gonna be the next Risa Hontiveros. She is the main defender of the HontiBredo bunch. No troll gets away safe from her snide comments on social media, especially when it's directed to her family. That is why despite being identical to Risa, she is more close to Leni since she would always create dummy accounts to defend her Mama Leni from all those fake news purveyors, to which Leni would really appreciate but end up giving Issa a short sermon na hindi na dapat pinapatulan yang mga naninira but with Issa's stubbornness, she would just nod at her Mama but still continue getting into bardagulan sessions with the online trolls.

"Ate, it's too early pa nga. I think the Mamas are asleep pa po since I heard both of them chattering kaninang mga 2:00 am, talking about vacation spots to go to, ewaaaan." Sinta cuts her Ate Issa off before she yells again.

Sinta is not the typical Bunso. She always acts so mature for her age but still gets to enjoy all the perks of being the baby sis. All her Ates and Kuya spoils her to the core, even her Ate Jill who once enjoyed the attention of being the "bunso" before she came along. Sinta is not as opinionated as her Ate Issa but being the responsible and independent person that she is, would always end up scolding her older siblings about something. Sinta is everyone's favorite especially by her Ate Tricia and Mama Leni kasi she's taking a medical course just like her Ate Trish and she loves to garden just like her Mama Leni. They would spend their rest days talking about medicine and gardening.

"Sa true lang! I was with Sinta last night and we heard Mama Ris pa nga saying na mag-Thailand daw tayo for the upcoming break pero Mama keeps pushing na we should go on a European tour instead kasi mas madami tayong ma explore na places." Jill joined the conversation after hearing what Sinta said to their Ate Issa.

Jill is the most loving one in the family. Her love language is Physical Touch so her Mamas and Siblings are used to getting hugs, kisses, cuddles, and holding hands when it comes to her. Also, since she has moved to New York for work, she would want to make time for her family and bond with them as much as she can whenever she goes home for vacation. Being the musician in the family, she and her Mama Risa gets along pretty well. On a typical day with Jill and Risa, the whole family would get to be entertained with relaxing acoustics from Jill's guitar and the soft, beautiful melody from Risa's voice.

"Wait what? Thailand! OMG! I would love to have pictures with Elephants. Huhu, kaya favorite ko talaga si Mama Risa eh! So, sino nanalo?" Tricia asked Sinta and Jill, to which everyone stopped and looked at the two Bunso too, wanting to know which place they'll be spending vacation in. But the two Bunso just shrugged since they weren't able to hear the final verdict kung sa'n ba talaga sila pupunta for vacation.

Tricia is the doctor of the family that means that she's expected to be equipped with strength and valor but when it comes to her family, she's the most emotional one. She would always use the excuse of being a typical cancer sign, but then Issa and Risa were also fellow water signs but could not measure up to the emotional level Tricia has. This part of her got her the spot of being her Mama Risa's baby girl. The whole family would know that Tricia is having a bad day because Risa would have the whole kitchen smelling like Christmas with fresh chocolate chip cookies in the oven and Sangria in the punch bowl and the night would always end up with her and Tricia cuddling on the couch having romcom movie marathons and sudden crying sessions.

"Knowing Mama, I'm sure na pupunta tayo sa Thailand since she would instantly cave sa suggestion ni Mama Ris. You know naman nawawala angas ng isang Leni Robredo sa isang Risa Hontiveros eh." Aika made a comment that had her siblings laughing out loud.

Aika is often seen by the public as the "serious" Ate but she's the exact opposite. "Sobrang makulit daig pa ang mga bunso" as Kiko would always describe her Ate Aika. But despite being the prankster of the family when moments call for her to be the Ate, she, next to their Mamas, is the most dependable person her siblings could ever ask for. This is why her Mama Risa and Mama Leni is more than grateful to have her especially because she makes everything easier for everyone. Aika can be very strict too, if she gives out curfews to her younger siblings, she expects it to be followed. She would always say to her siblings, "wherever you are or whatever time it is, if hindi kaya umuwi, call me and I'll come pick you up." And that earns her the recognition of being the best Ate ever.

"Hahahaha! Hindi yata applicable kay Mama Lens yung tagline ni Mama noong recent elections kasi pagdating sa kanya, may nerbyos kay Risa Hontiveros." Kiko replied to which added more reason for the group to laugh harder.

Kiko, being the only boy in the family, gets to have all the manly obligations to which he doesn't mind doing for his Mamas and siblings. The girls, despite being so independent, always depended on him whenever they come across something electrical or technical or, according to Helena, anything that ends with -cal and or requires them to carry something heavy. Kiko doesn't live together with the fam though because he and his girlfriend lives in a condo near the bar in BGC that they own and personally manage. But he makes sure that his weekends were always reserve for his HontiBredo loves. This principle of his made his Mama Leni so fond of him, not to mention the fact that Leni always wanted to have a son. Kiko became his Mama Leni's sidekick and coffee buddy since he would always come by the Museo during Wednesdays for coffee and life updates with his two Mamas since Risa would also drop by the place during the same day.

"OMG Kuya! That's so legit! Hay sayang! Gusto ko pa naman mag Eurotrip which I got to hand it out to Mama Lens! Sobrang ganda ng vacation suggestion niya! But I guess if Thailand tayo, I wouldn't worry much about the pets since Asia lang tayo." Ianna agreed at her Kuya Kiko's remarks while admiring her Mama Leni's suggestion.

Ianna is the typical middle child of the fam but unlike the stereotypes, she is actually one of the lucky ones because her family never made her feel that she's an odd one out. Being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, it was already hard on her to deal with judgy people that is why to have a supportive and loving family was one of the things that she is most thankful about. Her Mamas and siblings were her biggest allies, not to mention that all of them in the family are animal lovers so they also support her passion project. Definitely, she's one lucky gal! Despite having a lot of siblings and pets, she would always find time to bond with her Mama Risa every night before sleeping. She would always tease her Mama that it is ironic of how she is the author of the Philippine Mental Health Law pero di siya nag ta-take ng mental health breaks during the day. So, para maka bawi, she would make Risa a cup of chamomile or lavender tea and have small talks with her in their kitchen before heading to her room, every single night without failure. This created a bond between them that no one can really break apart.

"Hephep! Ano nanaman yung tinatawa-tawa niyo diyan? Dino-dogshow niyo naman kami ng Mama Leni niyo no? Nako Pangga, tayo na naman ang topic ng mga anak natin for sure." Everyone got quiet after hearing Risa's voice. They look behind them and there, they saw their two mothers looking at them with their eyebrows raised.

"Soooo, who won? Sa'n tayo mag va-vacation?" Issa finally broke the silence by asking the golden question.

"It's a surprise! Now, let's eat breakfast na muna since you kids got places to go to pa today diba?" Leni was the one who replied which got her some annoyed reactions from their children. But she just ignored it as she reach out to Risa's hand while signalling everyone to come sit and start eating breakfast already.

"So, when are we going to tell them that we already booked the flights to Thailand and Turkey last night?" Risa whispered to Leni wherein the latter only give her the shushing sound and winked.

"Oh, trust me, they'll know when we're taking them to the airport already." Leni replied that made Risa giggle and earning confused stares from their kids but she acted like nothing happened and just continued eating her breakfast while holding Leni's hand.

This will be one exciting vacation getaway for the HontiBredo siblings, they just don't know it yet.

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