We've got a long week ahead of us

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I guess if it's April now we couldn't had been in May this past time. Had to have some time in March. (Even though what I used said end of May) But this is one of the busiest week's here here at the bakery. My brother can tell you more about it. This has to be probably our busiest week. And if it's really not May yet that means I'm still in school. So school on top of our busiest week at the bakery. So that means we ALL will be busy with our own share of work. My brother and his team me working with them and any of my other work that I do. But right now all these workers we've got many in the downstairs part working with the costumers. And as busy as we are this week Easter is always a fun week. Everything is in pastels and they were cute and Easter cakes were fun.

IDK what the average is on what goes on in the bakery numbers wise so we'll have to ask Buddy that. I guess we better get set up to do that. Buddy welcomes me and switches places with me to the talk to the camera people. So according to Buddy we normally have between only 200 and 300 people in the store per day. But when it's Easter week you can slap a big fat 0 at the end of each of those numbers. And I couldn't agree more with him that sounds nuts. It was so crowded in here I could barely get in and out much less with you guys following me. Just don't take it personal if I stop talking to you directly. Because no one does that when it comes to reality shows or the "who are they talking to shows" like off the top of my head Modern Family.

Up in the kitchen area we have Mauro working on making some purple pastel flowers. And they are so pretty. I hope I can make flowers like that someday. We have other workers decorating cakes and sweets that look like tiny Easter eggs in the grass. But this is the biggest week of the year other than Christmas and well we get a lot of Valentine's Day stuff but not nearly as much as the other two. So this is where the big money comes from. It's slow in January and after all Christmas is over by then and it's the new year but those weeks add up. So if we don't make our money this week we're not gonna make it. And on top of the cakes or sweets I was just telling you about the girls are putting beautiful flowers in the middle. Everything has to be a certain way or we're in trouble. Buddy's words not mine. I know very little about running anything.

On a table there were lots of sweets and Buddy places down a sheet cake or something on a table and gathers us (outfit 5) all around to talk to us about our projects for this week. Buddy tells everyone how it's go time that this is a big big week this week. No kidding! And that means we have to do everything we can whatever it takes to make this happen whatever it is that we're doing. And the first complaint of the day already of course comes from sister Mary. And it's about the cupcakes. Whose ever making them they're too heavy and it falls off. It's too much they're too top heavy. While there's nothing wrong with that on a person it's kind of a problem for tiny cupcakes. And that leaves Frankie and Mauro. Sure they look great but they're too heavy. I thought they looked great minus that much and I thought they tasted fine. But Mary said that they look terrible and they don't taste great. And she thinks its the sloppiest thing she's ever seen. Then again she complained about the scary butterfly cakes early on as well. The first time ya'll were here. She is just never satisfied.

The boys tell her that they're not finished yet. But Mary says they happen to be delicious and her favorite but that she can't enjoy them. Listen Buddy stops her. When you have a problem you tell me. He tells her. Alright well I told Mauro and I've told you. She tells him. Yeah ok and I'll talk to them maybe Farrah can help them learn something from all of this. But you talk to me and be nice about it you don't have to be a bitch. He tells her. They go back and forth about this. How he shouldn't yell at her how she should come to him with a problem how he'll talk to them and find a way to get me involved in something anything put me to work as long as I'm here which is fine with me. This is kind of an everyday kind of thing with them I feel like. The two of them going back and forth yelling at each other Mary complaining about something Buddy needing to work and work and work. And when they act like this I put on my music and I drown them out.

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