(6) more than friends??

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I woke up and Gilbert wasn't next to me anymore. I looked around the room and saw the door open slowly and I saw Gilbert walk in with a plate of food. " good morning y/n. " he said smiling.

He places the plate of food  on my lap and sat down next to me. " thank you Gilbert. "

" for what?" He asked confused.

" just for everything and being there for me while the whole Anne-thing. You've been with me since the beginning. " I said while looking down at the food in my lap.

" it isn't a problem I love being with you. " he said smiling at me in front of him. " But we still need to go to school."

" I don't want to go I can't see Anne. " I said while taking a bit of the croissant.

" I will be with you the whole time and if she tries to take you with her to talk I will step in for you. Okay?" He said lovely.

" okay. "

They both ate breakfast and got ready for school. They walked outside together and to school. Gilbert opened the door for y/n (as always). When they walked in all eyes were on them. Then Billy came up to y/n again " hey y/n want to maybe hang out after school?"

" no sorry can't today I'm quit busy." I said flabbergasted.

" oh that's a shame because we could have a really good time with each other." He said and winked at me and I wanted to throw up so badly.

" I don't think so I'm not interested in you. So please leave me alone." I said and walked into the classroom and took my seat at the back of the class.

I saw all the girls look at me and i felt so bad for yelling at Anne.

Mr. Phillips walked out of the storage room again and his eyes directly hit me again. But this time I just kept my head down. We started the lesson and the whole lesson I could feel eyes on me not only mr. Phillips but all the girls eyes to. And sometimes I saw Gilbert look at me to see if I was okay.

It was finally break and I walked outside to the tree I sat at yesterday. And Gilbert sat down next to me. "I feel bad for yelling at Anne. Now everyone hates me."

" hey don't say that I don't hate you. And I would've yelled to. You didn't do a wrong thing okay."  He said while looking me in the eyes.

"How can they over forgive me. At the first day I yelled at someone. That's normally not the way to greet people." I said and taking a bite out of my Apple.

"What's the worst that could happen if they don't forgive you? Be stuck with me?" He said laughing

"I guess being stuck with you is not a bad idea." I said smiling. He started laughing. The lunch was better than expected. But then we needed to go inside again.

We walked inside and I putted my basket under the coat rack. And walked to my seat at the back of the class. All the girls looked at me and then Josie spoke up "Oh look who it is the one that yells at people on her first day at a new school." She said and started laughing and the rest of the girls started laughing to.

I looked down " what did you say?" Gilbert spoke up.

"Nothing. It's just that you normally don't yell at people. Most likely not on your first day." Josie smiled while saying it.

"If you don't know what a fight is about don't involve in the fight." Gilbert explained while standing behind me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Why are you sanding up for that orphan." Josie asked confused

"Call her that again. I couldn't quit hear you." Gilbert said. I started to tear up

"Gilbert just leave it." I said to Gilbert.

"No y/n I'm not going to leave it alone." Gilbert almost screamed at me. I started tearing up more. "Please say it again, Josie."

"I asked why you are standing up for a orphan that is just yelling around at people." Josie asked again.

"That is because she is friendlier than you all combined and she is funnier and prettier." He said and I started smiling.

"You don't seriously mean that. Do you?" Josie asked offended.

" yes I do mean it." He said and then Ruby started crying and mr.Phillips walked into the room and everyone walked to their seats.

Mr.Phillips was creepy as always and I could feel his eyes all over me the whole day. Luckily school was over quickly and me and Gilbert walked outside and I walked to my house because I thought they would miss me. I walked into the house and Charlotte came to the door hugging me. " come dinner is almost ready, darling."

" oh how nice." Dinner was finished and we were seated in the living room. Until we heard a knock at the door

"Y/n, darling, will you please get the door." Charlotte asked me.

"Yes of course." I stood up and walked to the front door. I opened the door and froze at the sight who was standing in to door...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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