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Seven months had passed since the beginning of the Fourth Shinobi World War, and today the war officially came to an end. Seven months since our last encounter went by. My appearance changed a lot. My hair went to my hips because neither did I cut it nor take care of it. Accordingly, it did not look as neat as before.

Also, dark circles formed under my eyes. In general, I just looked unhealthy. My cheek bones were also clearly visible. I overheard the villagers talking about me among themselves. "The sparkle in her eyes is gone", "She doesn't smile anymore either". I heard such things and many more, and they were right.

They were damn right. I couldn't get out of this hole of loneliness and despair. Like the last months I sat on Gaara's place, played around with my ring, while a tear rolled down my face. Every now and then my eyes fell on a photo of Gaara. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and absently I called out, "come in."

I never expected Gaara to come in, who greeted me with a smile. I fell from my chair in shock. I didn't feel the pain too much, as my brain had to process what was going on. Automatically my eyes filled with tears that fell uncontrollably to the floor. Several times I even blinked and rubbed my eyes to check if my senses were truly not deceiving me.

It is him! It's rlly him...

"Hitomi...", Gaara spoke worriedly and knelt down to me. He looked at me more closely for a moment and paused. "What happened to you...? You've lost so much weight, your hair is much longer... Your eyes... they don't shine as much anymore... My dearest Hitomi... I missed you so much."

After that sentence, I completely broke down emotionally. Howling loudly, I threw myself into my redhead's arms, never wanting to let go. Afraid he would disappear into thin air as soon as I let go. "Gaara... Am I glad..." was all I was capable of saying anymore. Together, we sat and hugged each other on the floor, crying our hearts out until we finally calmed down to some extent and broke away from each other.

After we calmed down, we told each other what had happened to us over the past seven months. He told me the events of the fourth shinobi world war. The many shinobi who died, the confrontation with Madara Uchiha, and that his father Rasa was resurrected with the help of Edo Tensei and Gaara fought him.

As it turned out, neither his mother nor Yashamaru-san hated him her. On the contrary, they both loved him very much until the bitter end. His father probably apologized for everything he had done to him, and I could only imagine how much that must have shocked him to find out that the two of them had never hated him.

"By the way... I have a little something for you," Gaara spoke and took out a small box from his jacket pocket. He opened it and out came a ring.

"Ishitani Hitomi... I love you more everything else in this world. You are the best thing that could have happened to me and I am glad that you gave a loser like me a chance and approached me back then. I thank you for staying by my side even though I caused you so much pain... I know that I don't really deserve you at all, and yet I ask you... Will you marry me?"

Howling, I threw myself into his arms again. "Of course I want to be your wife!" "Am I glad...", Gaara hugged me back and gave me a kiss on my neck, "I love you so much, Hitomi.

You filled my heart with love I thought I would never know about..."


Lovesick | GAARA X FEM! OCWhere stories live. Discover now