Chapter- 3

46 4 2

Sid: yes mom, now I'm totally fine..

Vaish: what happened to you sid?

Sid: nothing di...just a bad I'm fine now so mom & di you both don't worry..

V.a: ok now eat your breakfast..

[Abhi bhai came for breakfast]

Abhi: Hey mom,sid,vaish good morning to you all😀

Everyone: Good Morning..

Vaish: sid when will you go for the meeting..

Sid: bass di after finished breakfast..

Abhi: sid have you packed all the necessary files about the deal?

Sid: yeah dada don't worry I'll do my best for this deal ik this deal is important for our company..

Abhi: yes ik my bhai do his best 😀

Sid: waise dada manager told me you have 2 important meeting today,then it's a hectic day for you also..

Abhi: yes it is🤷🏻‍♀️

V.a: (holding nigam brothers ear😄)how many times i told you both when you are with family then don't talk about office n all..

Sidshek: aaa mom sorry sorry
Now please leave our ears😅
[V.a leave their ear]

[Vaish came with anaya she was full sleepy so she is in her mummy's lap😄😘]

Sid: heyy so here is my little pari😃🥰

Anaya: ch..aa..chuu👧🏻(she goes to sid's arm)

Abhi: alee my little princess come to daddy 😍

[Anaya shakes her head in no😄]

V.a- chacha vatiji k pyar😄😘

Abhi: sid now i think you should leave cuz it's a long way you have to drive & it's already 7 meeting start from 11:30..

Sid:(give anaya to vaish) yeah dada..
[Then he took Vibha aunty's blessing]

V.a: drive safely sid..

Sid: yes mom😇

Abhinavi & V.a: Bye sid😊
& anaya: gesture bye to sid🥰

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