[11.] Distance Apart

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They celebrated the new year together and had many more dates after that. But three months into 2019 it was announced that TOMORROW X TOGETHER  would be debuting as well as BTS, who had a collaboration with the famous American singer Halsey.

Jin and Dao became so busy in their separate music careers that it was getting harder and harder to see each other. It was also getting harder and harder to disappear from their individual groups unnoticed. Both the BTS members and TXT members were slowly getting suspicious, but thankfully because of how busy Jin and Dao were the suspicions died down.

Right now, BTS and Jin were filming their 'Boy With Luv' music video while Dao and TXT were practicing their debut song and choreography to death.

And something that was even worse was that because of how busy the two were and how they were both currently in different places, Jin was going to inevitably miss Dao's birthday. She was really sad about that and Jin felt horrible. Dao was there for his birthday but because of their schedules, he wasn't going to be able to be there for hers.


Jin was out of breath as he sat down in the chair and took a sip of his water. He couldn't understand it. Their music video 'Boy With Luv' was only due to get released sometime next month so why were they here shooting it ahead of schedule? Out of all the times, they could have done something like this why did it have to be now? Jin sighed as he reached for his phone.

He and Dao had been texting each other whenever they had a free minute to spare. They would talk about what they were doing, how their day was going, and how utterly tired the two were.

Jin really missed his Star.

They'd been secretly dating for six months now and this was the first time they were dealing with separation issues. Of course, they guessed that this would happen sooner or later, BTS would be going on another world tour soon, and then what? And then it wasn't just a few weeks of separation at a time but months on end. Jin didn't really want to think about it. It depressed him but unfortunately, the thought was always there circling around in the back of his mind.

He wondered if Dao ever got the same thoughts too. Besides all of her good qualities of being sincere, caring, empathetic, and sometimes sensitive, she was also a very logical and rational person. Even when it came to things that made her emotional, Dao would put them aside to be sensible about the situation.

She probably has thought about it, Jin thought. She'd probably overthink it just like I'm doing right now.

"You're on your phone again?" Namjoon asked walking up to the oldest member of BTS. "Is everything okay, hyung?"

Jin quickly set his phone down and smiled. "Of course everything's okay. Why wouldn't it be?"

"You seem distracted. You've seemed distracted since we left Seoul," Namjoon stated. "Hyung, if something's wrong you'd tell me, right?"

"Mn," Jin hummed as he nodded. "I'm only tired. I was just checking the time," he easily lied. "Come on, let's finish the shoot," Jin said as he stood up.

Namjoon frowned in confusion. What was going on with his hyung?!


Dao was behaving a lot like Jin. She and her members had just finished the dance and vocal practice and were taking a quick break. Immediately, she sat down in the corner of the room and clicked on her phone.

She'd texted Jin around an hour ago, she asked how he was doing and he asked her how she was doing.

Dao honestly didn't like this feeling.

When she was back in Thailand after first getting Jin's number, she never felt like this because she barely knew him back then. But now the two were a constant in each other's lives for how many months already. At least, every second to third day the two would sneak away to see each other. Being apart like this really made it feel like something was missing from both of them.

If I miss him this much and he's only been gone for a few weeks, what happens when he goes on a tour for months? What happens when I go on tour? Dao thought to herself with a heavy sigh.

Why did following her dreams seem so much like a burden now?

"You okay?" Yeonjun asked taking a seat on the floor next to Dao.

She glanced up at him before quickly clicking her phone off and hiding it in her hoodie's pocket. She instantly put on a smile for Yeonjun, but he could tell that she wasn't like she normally was. Dao was a very focused and energized person, but suddenly she was distracted and distant.

"I'm fine," Dao shrugged, still smiling. "I'm just feeling a bit homesick, that's all," she lied.

Yeonjun believed her, he felt the same way back in his first and second year of being a trainee. Being away from home all by yourself while being surrounded by unfamiliar faces, it wasn't the greatest feeling in the world.

"Don't feel homesick," he said and bumped shoulders with her. "You're with your second family now," Yeonjun grinned and Dao couldn't help but nod and laugh. "Your birthday's coming up in a few days, don't think we're not going to celebrate it with you," he told Dao sternly.

"Mm, it's three days after we debut," she said, and just like before her expression started to get distant again.

Dao really wanted Jin to be here. She wanted to share this special moment with him, not only was she getting debuted but it was her birthday.

"Yah! You're gonna be older than me, noona!" Yeonjun teased her.

"Aigoo, don't call me that!" Dao scolded him with a smile. "We're only a few months apart, not a year!"

"It's still noona.... noona! Noona? Noona!" Yeonjun carried on teasing her and soon enough she started to feel a bit better.

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