[25.] Chicago Date

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Dao texted Jin the location of the coffee shop she chose. She didn't order anything yet and sat down at a table near the back of the shop. She still had her cap and mask on although her mask was pulled down a bit. She waited a few more minutes before World Wide Handsome showed up but when he did she immediately recognized him and waved to get his attention.

"You didn't order?" Jin asked when he reached her.

"I was waiting for you," Dao said.

Jin smiled though it was hidden behind his own mask. He shrugged his jacket off and hung it over the back of the chair. "What do you want? I'll get us something."

Dao hummed as she thought about it. "Surprise me. Something sweet though because I'm hungry."

"Yes, my star," he joked and walked off.

When he came back to the table he had two coffees in one hand and a small plate with a slice of chocolate cake in the other. He set the three things down before moving his chair closer to Dao's as he sat down. Dao smiled at him as he picked a fork up and held it out to her.

"I'm lucky that our manager-nim isn't here to see me break my diet like this," she commented.

Jin frowned at that. "You're already so thin. You need to eat more. If you lose any more weight I'm going to sue your manager for health negligence."

Dao giggled with a shake of her head. "If you do that then everybody's going to know we're dating."

If things carried on like this they were going to find out anyway. Jin was so happy being with Dao. Like he was content and finally found his missing piece in life. She made him feel complete. He knew the risk but when the time was right he definitely wanted people to know about their relationship. Come clean not only to their company but to their friends and to the rest of the world too, especially Army.

"I don't care," Jin muttered and Dao's eyes widened a bit. "I want everyone to know. I'm happy so they should be happy for me too or mind their own business."

She was surprised at the tone her boyfriend was using but it also made her secretly smile. Dao shook her head lightly before breaking off a piece of the chocolate cake with her fork. She held a hand under it to not mess and guided the fork to Jin's mouth.

"Try it," Dao urged.

"I bought it for you," Jin looked at her.

"And I'm sharing it with you."

Jin couldn't help his smile or the way his eyes softened, he pulled down his face mask just enough to take the bite of cake offered to him.

"How is it?" Dao asked.

"It's good, Jagi," Jin nodded and hummed to exaggerate the taste. "So good! I love it!"

Dao laughed at him.

"You look a bit tired," she noted. "Are you tired? Do you want to go back to your hotel room and rest?"

"I'm never too tired to spend time with you," Jin refused.

"I never said that," Dao told him brushing a stray strand of hair out of his eyes. "Why don't we just walk around for a bit? I'm pretty tired too and TXT has another performance tomorrow."

"Do you want to go back to your hotel room and rest?" Jin asked.

Dao shook her head.

"No, I want to spend time with you."

Jin smiled adoringly at her though she couldn't see it because his mask was back in place. "Then we can walk around for a bit."

"It's pretty late already. Maybe we can watch the sunset?" Dao suggested. She broke another piece of cake off with her fork. "Here, have some more," she offered and this time Jin didn't argue.

"My brightest star's prettier than the sunset," Jin mumbled while chewing.

Dao gave him a pointed look with a smile.

"Bad joke?" Jin asked, grinning.

"Bad but cute," Dao laughed.


They went to one of the many suggested Chicago tourist attractions and like Dao had predicted the sun was already setting in the distance. It was beautiful and she got excited to share this moment with Jin. She ran up to the sidewalk railing and hung off of it. Jin came up behind her, wrapping his arms loosely around her waist and hugging her with his chin resting against her shoulder.

He didn't completely understand why couples always clinged to one another. But he understood it now, like how his members showed affection, especially the maknaes. They always hugged, cuddled, and clung to him. It made sense though now that he was experiencing it for himself and it felt nice having someone to hold. Someone he romantically liked instead of someone he thought of and liked as just a dongsaeng.

Dao leaned back against Jin, resting her head against his own as the two stared at the breathtaking view in front of them.

"Did you enjoy your performance?" Jin asked.

"Hm," Dao hummed thoughtfully.

"That's good."

"Do you ever get used to it?" Dao asked curiously, making Jin smile and laugh a little.

"No," he said honestly. "I mean, the nerves and anxiety calm down. They change to comfort and excitement instead. But the rush, the warmth, and the overwhelmingness of all those cheers and screams. At least for me, you don't get used to it. It surprises you every time."

"Moa's are great," Dao said. "I love them."

"They love you too," Jin whispered, kissing her temple through his mask.

"You're being very affectionate," Dao said.

"Can't I?"

"I'm not complaining," she reassured. "It was merely an observation."

Jin hugged her a little tighter. "I'm going to miss you when we leave Chicago tomorrow," he admitted.

Dao laughed, "It's only two weeks and a bit before we're both in Seoul again. You won't even miss me that much you'll be too busy."

"No matter how busy I am I always miss you," Jin mumbled.

Dao never would've guessed that World Wide Handsome could get like this. It was honestly adorable. From getting ignored, to only emojis, to constant messages, and then to face-to-face hangouts. It was slow but completely worth it. He wasn't distancing himself from her anymore, or trying hard to not cross a certain line. It made Dao really happy.

"It's getting late," Dao whispered.

Jin groaned, shaking his head against her shoulder.

"Come on, we can spend a few more minutes together while you walk me back to my hotel," Dao said.

Jin reluctantly let his arms drop from around her and took a small step back. She turned to him with a smile before holding her hand out. They linked their fingers together and very slowly made their way back to the hotel TXT was staying at. It would've taken them ten minutes at the most but it was dragged out to twenty because of how purposely sloth-like Jin was taking one step at a time. It made Dao roll her eyes and laugh, but she enjoyed every minute with her dorky WWH boyfriend.

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