[30.] Safe Flight Home

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"I hate that you're leaving already," Dao pouted.

Boun set his suitcase down in the middle of the airport before turning to her with a chuckle. She was wearing a mask and a baseball cap to not be recognized. He didn't mind because he knew his little sister's expressions well without having to see them. Her tone was pouty and her big brown eyes were sad.

"I hate it too," Boun admitted.

He squished her cheeks with his hands to try and make her annoyed enough that she wouldn't cry and be sad. It worked as Dao whined loudly and pushed his hands away from her.

"Stop it!"

"You're still such a kid," Boun smiled fondly. "Come on, at least we had a few days together. I'll try and visit after the series is finished shooting."

"Or maybe I'll visit you," Dao said.

"I'll count my luck," Boun grinned.

"Can't you two just say goodbye like a normal brother and sister?" Prem asked from behind them. "You know, thanks for visiting. I love you and goodbye."

"Shut up," Boun looked at him.

"Saying goodbye like that is so boring, P'Prem. It's like we're never going to see each other again. It's sad," Dao complained.

"Yeah, our Dao can't be sad," Boun said, patting her head affectionately.

"How come your boyfriend didn't come with you today? Did P'Boun manage to scare him off at dinner?" Prem joked.

Dao simply shook her head.

"He's busy, idols aren't idle," she quipped.

"Nice pun," Prem chuckled.

"Terrible joke," Boun told his sister.

"There's an award show coming up, he's practicing for the performance," Dao explained. "He wanted to be here. He was even going to make an excuse to come but I told him he'd have plenty of time in the future to spend with his brother-in-law."

Boun raised his eyebrows. "Brother-in-law, you're pretty confident, huh?"

Dao tilted her head with a smile although he couldn't see it but her eyes were shining. "I'm not confident about the future but I have confidence in our relationship."

"He's a good guy," Boun casually complimented.

"Does that mean you like him?" Dao asked expectantly.

Boun shrugged, no expression as he glanced around making it seem like he didn't care or have much of an opinion. Dao knew better, she knew her brother better than anyone. Even his soulmate Prem.

"We'll see, I guess," Boun said.

Prem cupped the side of his mouth, whispering, "He likes him."

"I know," Dao whispered back just as secretly.

Boun rolled his eyes at the two. "I never said that."

"You didn't deny it either," Dao pointed out.

"Give up," Prem advised.

Despite the obvious reason for not liking the relationship between the world-famous idol and his little sister, Boun really didn't have a single problem with it. He was simply happy that Dao was happy. Besides, who was he to accept or reject Kim Seokjin? At the end of the day, he wasn't the one willing to risk it all and consider spending the rest of his life with him. Dao was and she seemed happy about it.

"Flight ICN27 to leave now!"

"That's us," Prem said.

"We're going then," Boun told his sister, leaning forward and kissing the top of her head. "Be safe and don't overwork yourself."

"I know," Dao nodded. "Text me when you guys land?"

"We will," Boun reassured.

Prem smiled at the two before waving his hand at Dao, she copied the action and watched as her brother picked up his suitcase. He and Prem turned to leave walking toward where the line for their flight was. Boun glanced back showing Dao a quick grin and wink as she nodded her head and waved again.

"Have a safe flight home, P'Boun," she muttered.

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