Chapter-21 Little Request

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Second update of today 👀

After what she said to Jungkook he didn't say a single word. They both just sat there under the calm and quiet atmosphere of night. Moonlight shining from the moon falling on them and cool air providing comfort to their aching hearts. But nothing can heal a wound of a broken heart.

Only pieces of another heart can mend a broken heart.

It would had appear a romantic night where two people sitting beside each other enjoying the comfortable silence, admiring the beautiful night view only if the situation was different. But that's not in their case.

Jungkook and y/n are two opposite poles who got put together without their will one who was already had a broken heart and another got her after being tied up in this marriage.

They both are opposite but things you could find between them similar is....a broken heart, craving for love not from each other,but from different person's which none of them received.

They just sat there with silence around them,no words exchanged. There was lot in their hearts to express and say. But not have enough courage. One was caught up in guilt while other was battling with her inner self, thinking do she even have any right to initiate a conversation and tell him the pain of unrequited love,the absolute torture of watching someone you love dearly hating you?

No! She don't have, infact never had any specially on him.

As the party was over Jungkook and y/n including other three cousins returned back to hotel. When y/n united with bora and zaid at the end of party, they apologized to y/n for leaving her alone. She forgave them easily with sweet smile as she actually enjoyed in party,thanks to Jimin. However the girl was a little bit upset for not getting the chance to say thanks to Jimin for his humbleness.

If she will get a chance in future she will surely do because the boy was nothing but kind and patient with her.

They all parted their ways muttering good night. As they all were already tired after the party some were physically and some mentally.

Jungkook opened the door and entered inside followed by y/n. Without saying a single word Jungkook went inside washroom. Y/n sigh staring at his disappearing figure with sad eyes.

The beautiful life she always had desired to have is now a big mess with no hope of changing it. Can't she leave him and move on but then she have no one in this world except Jeon family. On whose support she take a decision.

Sometimes y/n wonder to give up on everything and just run away somewhere far but then again where? Life is not a fairy tale where you run away and someone magically appeared in your life and support you selflessly. World is cruel,more cruel than anyone could imagine and this doesn't work without any greed.

There is always a motive behind someone doing something for you.

And for a person like y/n who have a fragile heart can't take a big decision like leaving him even it costs living with jungkook with no hope and love.

She know she is being pathetic running behind a man who didn't even care about her and her feelings. Now its fine for her because now she is not hoping from jungkook to love her back.

With a tired sigh y/n took out night wear from cupboard and sat on bed waiting for jungkook to come out. After a few minutes jungkook came out and y/n went inside to change.

Jungkook laid down on bed with closed eyes. He have work to do but there is no energy in him to do anything,neither he is interested. He kept tossing around as earlier incident are flashing in his eyes, making him feel uneasy.

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