Chapter 18

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At Busan 

" where the hell he is it's being six months where he is hiding and for what "

Mr min shouted In frustration while jin namjoon and jhope just stood there lowering their head

" father it's being 6 month we are holding our mafia activities we can't wait anymore other gangs are gaining power taking advantage of our situation that's why I telling you give all the rights to my son until me come "

Mr min turned to min hoo who is siting with crossed leg leaning back on the couch

" no need my son is already here " Mrs min said

suga leaned to the door frame of the office passing a smirk knowing how his arrival effect min hoo his uncle

" what are you thinking suga and where were you all this month "

Mr min said when suga walked near the table passing a smile to hyung line while others return it screaming how they missed the latter

" hide out "

" hide out ! For what "

" what do you think off course for kidnapping comissioners son "

" tomarrow there is a big deal with dv gang as our leader you should be there "
Younger scoffed before nodding

' is he really my grandfather i was right , he was that desperate to find me because of this event '

" are you really planning to attend the event ? " Mrs min asked in concern following his son to the door

yoongi turned to her with a smile and placed a kiss on her forehead elder smiled knowing what his son is thinking

" do you really want to go seoul this night " Suga chuckled at his mother's words

" I want to keep my promise so I need to "

" and you are talking like a typical mother don't forget you are a mother of  mafia king "

" mafia my foot ! " she sneered

jin smiled foundly at the mother and son

"Jin you know what?  I have two sons whom I carry for almost 10 months in this stomach " she said dramatically pointing at her now flat stomach

" but what use I could able to see them only once in a year " she pouted making jin namjoon and hobi to smile at her

" talking about kookie where is he ? "

" he is in seoul " hobi said with a smile aware why he gone there

Yes to see his love of life

" I don't know , what Mr park's sons did to my sons  " Mrs park said completely aware of their sons love life were the elder brother is still unaware of his little brother's love life

" should I arrange anything for tomorrow's meeting " namjoon asked while walking towards parking area

" tomorrow's meeting " suga chuckled , three of them stopped in the spot confused

" what are you planning exactly " Jin asked knowing younger is planning something suga just smirked before plopping inside the car

" I am busy now I need to meet someone , you can also leave to seoul and forget about meeting I am will not attend it " suga said before leaving the mansion

He drive straight to Busan airport

" sir , we are really sorry first class seat is not available " a staff speed his pace following min yoongi the hier of min

Mr Marriage Breaker -  a Yoonmin ffWhere stories live. Discover now