Chapter 4

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After a long struggle Jimin inhalled air making his back arch in the process

" hyung we should take him to hospital immediately " suga said carring unconscious jimin in his arm

They drove to hospital jin drives the car at maximum speed while yoongi carrying jimin on his lap

" what happened to him " Jin asked worriedly eyeing the younger who is still unconscious

" must be allergy "

yoongi's pov

Jin hyung is driving at a maximum speed I can clearly saw he is worried because this boy is really struggling to breath

" what happened to him " Jin hyung asked worriedly eyeing jimin who is still unconscious

" must be allergy "
I said turning my gaze to him who is lying on my chest I don't know why but I am feeling guilty this boy is really something each time he is giving me memories of chim i am feeling deja vu

this is like how I first met him that time he was snuggling to me and I was protecting him like this in my arms it's true that I really got anger because I don't like anyone touching my necklace it's very special to me its like a promise made to my chim- that whatever happend and wherever we are I will come for him

but I am sorry your hyung can't able to keep that promise cause I have a family to protect I have some duties to do

My hands started to cares his cheeks , instinctively

" suga we are here "

Without wasting a second i opened the door moving one hand under his knees and other on his back

" wait ! " I was about to leave when hyung plugged a airpode in my ear

" if something happened call me i will be in the car " I nodded and rushed inside hospital placing him on a bed I called for a doctor

thats when a doctor passing through the hall get my attention he quickly rushed towards us

" nurse shift him " the young doctor said to a nurse and turned to me " you Wait outside "






" Chanyeol we located jimin's current location "

kai said showing the cctv footage where a person rushing inside a hospital carring an unconscious jimin

" sehun contact the hospital and inform the cops near the area "







" its food allergy he is okay now you did a good job by giving cpr otherwise it will be a bit serious "

" actually what he is allergic to "

" it's seems like peanet his throat is sweeled due to the reaction so he just need rest and I will prescribe some medicines he will be okay within 2 days "

Saying doctor left , suga walked to the door and looked at the boy who is now sleeping peaceful making suga sigh in relief

But little did he new the actual problem is one the way


Suga was in deep though when his phone started to vibrate he pressed the airpode attending the call , his eyes never leaving the boy whose breath are now stable sleeping peacefully hands attached to the drip

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