Chapter 8

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" jimin ?! What are you doing here " suga yelled eyeing the boy who is walking towards his table with small steps

" I want to say something important " he said hesitatly , elder stood from his seat and walked to the door with a pissed face younger hold his hands to stop him

" who bring you here I had said them to not leave you from the mansion "

" I will not run away it's something important hyung plz here me "

" okay " he said rubbing his template
" what no way " suga said hearing younger request

" plz hyung it's my dream I had work for it very hard I can't ruin it hyung " he pleaded but latter shook his head

" no jimin I can't allow you to take that exam " he said firmly when a drop of tear left from younger's eyes

he chuckled bitterly gaining elder attention his heart felt a pang seeing younger face until now he did realize he so desperate when he said he want to write a exam which is on the very next day

" it was my last chance to prove I can be success in my own way but fate is always against me , he wanted me to be a police officer like him but I don't like this violence, murder, criminals so I choosed my own path . I choosed medical field against him words but he didn't supported me I was anger , frustrated , sad , quilty, disappointment

I thought I failed as a son

But I didn't give up I wanted to show him I was not a failure to him

And I think now I can't I will be disappointment to him always "

Saying Jimin dashed out from there harshly wipping his own tears

"Hyung what happend to your hand " worried chim pull latter hand while latter tried to hide it

" it's just a small cut chim "

" but it must be painful " suga lifted latter's head to see tears gathered in younger eyes

" it's not painful like you think chim " he internally cooed at that sight letting a small chuckle

" I will get more cut like this in future that's I am made for " younger frowned seeing how elder's face turned to a serious one

"Hyung then I will become a daughter for you " younger said with a wide grin when elder laughed his lungs out younger was still confused why his hyung is suddenly laughing out even though he don't know the reason a small smile form on his face

" chim it's doctor " elder said pinching latter's cute nose after wiping his tears from the corner of his eyes

Suga shock his head to erase those thoughts and go back to his work

Jimin walked to maknae who is eagerly waiting for him

" how it gone "

Jimin signed and swiped his face tears " it didn't go well let's plane another something other "

" what about suicide attempt " kai said making jimin to clap his hand , he suddenly stopped and said in sacrasm " are you planning for my funeral "

" hyung ! Are you mad ? " Kai rushed to suga when suga walked inside his mansion

" no I am not " he ruffled younger's hair

" where is he ? "

" in his room "

" he is really moody , why don't you allow hyung to write exam " Hyun pout

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