Chapter 24

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yoongi jimin and jungkook was stopped in front of the park mansion by min hoo jin's guards

ignoring them jimin tried to enter , when one of them pushed him harshly thanks to yoongi who hold him before he end on floor

" what the hell ! " yoongi growled , guard scoffed

" oops its his order to give a small present before passing you inside " yoongi and jungkook eye the gurads who is surrounding them ready to pick a fight

yoongi pulled jimin behind them sharing a glance with jungkook who nodded at him

his guards really misunderstand the min brother's

jimin eyed how min brothers are taking down the gurads easily taking it as a chance jimin tried to run inside when a guard noticed him and ran towards him

yoongi who noticed it was quick to follow him and jump laying a kick on his back

jimin stepped backward seeing how the guard fall on the ground unconscious near his feat

For a moment he stood their fanboying over his hyung cause he looks very hot while fighting if its not the situation he will admired till the end

Jimin quickly walk inside the house as the situation outside is under min brothers control

he run towards his house and opened the door when another guard inside the house who was guarding the door point his gun at latters head holding his hand and gesturing to move forward which latter followed without resisting

the gurad pulled jimin infront of his family who is sitting at the couch , each were under gunpoint he noticed how his father had badly injured

he may tried his maximun to save his family

the room is a mess , all things are shattered around

" woah! doctor is here you have came at right time i was getting bored , so I was thinking about killing this baby " min hoo jin said showing minji who is sleeping in his hold

jimin notice the babies red face cause of crying his blood boiled seeing it but he controlled cause its not the right time

" why ?! are you angry at me " latter fake pouted eyeing how jimin tighten his fist

" don't worry i won't do anything she is my brother's daughter too " he smiled at the baby jimin just want to take her from his dirty hand

Hoo jin give minjii to teahyung who immediately took her at his lap and hugged her , hand prints were visible in his cheek and a cut on his lips

" anyway why the leader is not here yet " he asked to Mr park not knowing the leader he is looking for is the same person who he killed 2 years ago

" talking about evil he is here " Mr park smirked , when jungkook and yoongi bursed inside

" suga !! " min hoo shivered at the side and turned to hoo jin who is maintaining a poker face

" surprised !! " yoongi smirked seeing their reaction

" yes its me min yoongi "

Hoo jin starred to laugh maniaclly gainning their attention

gaurds shared gaze confused at their boss behavior

" God you are great " he said looking at the ceiling and walk towards yoongi

" you know what brother I was really disappointed thinking I couldn't keep the promise which I made to my brother in law "

Saying he turned titling his head towards jimin

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