Why? (Lewis x Disabled!Reader) Part 3

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You sat at home in your wheelchair. It's been a week since the ghost at the mansion gave you his heart. You had no clue what you should do with it. Was it dangerous? A clue to how he died? Maybe he was just a restless ghost, searching for a way for someone to find where he died.
Arthur and Vivi had their own things to do. You didn't tell them about the heart, and kept it hidden.

So now here we are, staring down at this yellow heart, that seems to eerily beat softly.
"I wish I knew what to do with you.." you mutter, wheeling yourself over to your coffee table.
As you inspected the heart more, you found a line across it, as if it were some sort of..
The locker pulsed brightly. You stare at it in aw, as it seems to float upwards. It cracks open slightly, and flames erupt from the inside. Forming into..
A person.
The same ghost from that mansion. He stares himself over, and looks at his hands. He towers over you in your wheelchair.
You wheel yourself backwards, away from the ghost. As last you had seen, he was a vengeful spirit, and trying to hurt your friend.
"What.." you find yourself quietly whispering. The ghost seems to look around at his surroundings and seems to...almost recognize where he is.

"(Y/N)?"  It whispers, it's echoed voice filled with sadness, yet also.. happiness. Relief.
"How do you know my name...?"
The ghost reaches a large boney hand out to you. "(Y/N), it's me- don't you remember..?"
As he seems to notice your blank stare, he assumes the answer is no.
He takes his locket, and hands it out to you.
"Open it. It'll show you everything."
You stare at the locket hesitantly, and open it. Once your eyes land on the photo inside, your head starts to hurt as..
You're brought back to the cave.
You remember how you, Arthur and Lewis had grouped together, splitting away from Vivi and your beloved mascot.
How while Lewis was looking over the edge of the cliff, Arthur had-
You scream in horror as you experience it all over again. Watching Lewis fall to his death, and Arthur having his arm bitten off by some beast.
You thrash about in your chair, and the ghost places his hands gently on your shoulders.
"(Y/N)! It's okay! You're okay!!"
You sob under the ghost's grasp, now knowing that he wasn't just some random ghost that was after Arthur, but instead it was Lewis, who was looking for revenge.
Your arms shook, as you reached up to hold the ghost, meanwhile, he was cautious to not catch you on fire with his hair.
"Lewis...please- please don't leave me again--"
"I won't (Y/N)..not for a long while."

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