Why...? (Lewis x Disabled!Reader)

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(A/N here! I really tried my best. this probably isn't that good. But I hope you enjoy it..)

(Y/N) was seated by Lewis in the van.

"Thanks for letting me come with you this time, Lew!" She smiled.

"It's no problem, (N/N). Actually, it was Vivi's idea. She's been wanting to take you on an investigation for a while."

"I don't care, as long as I'm with you...Hey, where exactly are we going again?"

"Well we're going to be investigating a cave. Tourists say that they keep seeing eyes and figures of people when they enter. And that there always seems to be a green lighting originating from nowhere."

"That does sound like it could be a ghost..However, there is a chance that someone is just pulling a really bad prank."

"(Y/N) You're thinking of something out of Scooby Doo."

"Hey, that doesn't mean its not possible." (Y/N) laughed.

"You're not wrong."

Lewis stopped by every members house and picked them up. Vivi sat next to (Y/N), while Mystery and Arthur sat in the back.
"This is going to be so fun, right (Y/N)?" Vivi asked. (Y/N) nodded.
"Hey, how long did you say it would take to get there?" Lewis asked Vivi.
"An hour or so."
"Well then, everybody get comfortable."
"H-hey about we all take turns playing some music?" Arthur suggested.
"That's a great idea Artie."
(Y/N) agreed. Taking out her phone, she fumbled around for the aux cord. The van didnt have a bluetooth option like most cars or trucks now a'days. (Y/N) eventually found one and plugged it into her phone.
"Any suggestions?" She asked the group.
"How about some 2000's rock?" Vivi suggested. (Y/N) nodded and put on something by the All American Rejects.

Soon arriving at the cave, (Y/N) felt her stomach drop. She couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen.
"Hey guys...m-maybe we should go back home.." She said, while Lewis helped her into her wheelchair.
"I second that.." Arthur said, looking around.
"Aw come on you guys! Don't be such scaredy ghosts!" Vivi pouted. Mystery barked as if in agreement.
"I agree. We already drove here so maybe we should just check it out." Lewis hummed. (Y/N) hesitantly nodded her head. She followed the group into the cave until they came to a fork in the path.
"Alright, I think we should split up." Lewis said, looking at both the paths.

"Lewis, buddy, have you never seen a horror movie?? You should never split up in these circumstances!" Arthur asked.

"Arthur, I'm sure we'll be fine. Here, Mystery and I will head down the lower path while you, (Y/N) and Lewis will go up the top path." Vivi suggested.

"You two be safe." Lewis said

"We will!" Vivi yelled as they went their seperate ways.
(Y/N) followed Lewis and Arthur up the other path with her wheelchair. She glanced around, making sure not to get too close to the ledge. (Y/N) turned her attention back to Lewis and Arthur when she heard a scream.
All she saw was pink.

(Aw geez, this was probably really bad. I didnt really know much about what to do. Im sorry if this isnt what you wanted.)

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