Underestimated (Shiromori x Tough!Reader)

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"I finally found you~" (Y/N) stood her ground against the tree lady. Her crazed expression would strike fear into most people, but not (Y/N). She still wasnt even sure why this overgrown weed was after them! Shiromori held her scissors...shears? You don't really know what they are. She held them tightly in her hand.
"What do you want with me?" (Y/N) demanded.
"Is it really not that obvious?" Shiromori replied. "For your blood." (Y/N) chuckled.
"What are you, a vampire??" Shiromori's face turnes red with embarrassment.
"This is serious! Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." She lunged at (Y/N) but they simply moved aside.
"Man, you must be pretty bad at this." (Y/N) snickered. Blinded by their cockiness, Shiromori was able to get a slice at them. Out of pure reflex, (Y/N) punched Shiromori in the face, sending her head spinning
(Time skip, cause I suck at writing fight scenes ;-;)

Shiromori took a deep breath. Damn, this human can pack a punch.
"It seems I underestimated you" she said.
"Heh, well maybe next time you will estimate me!"
"You wanna try that again?"
"I know what I said!"

(AHHH I'm sorry this is really short I wasnt quite sure what to write! Sorry if this isnt what you wanted!)

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