Kittens (Arthur x Trans-Masc!Reader)

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It was late, and your cat was. Well. Having kittens. You woke up to her giving birth almost nearly on your face. It was 4 in the morning, and of course, you called the only guy you could think of. Your best friend, Arthur Kingsman. You thought you would have woke the mechanic up, but as it turns out, he had already been awake. Vivi and Lewis had shown up about to make him take off for some mystery. When he explained the situation to them, they immediately dropped everything to come see you and the tiny bundles of joy. They figured seeing the teenie things would be way more important than whatever mystery they were going to take off for.
And now, you were stuck with all three of them in your cabin, as they helped make sure your dogs didn't try to play with the kittens. They were Great Danes, so even just a simple pawing at them would be the end.
Your house had been a wreck as you'd been going through a bit of a depression lately, and you apologized for the mess, but Arthur reassured that his room alone looked much worse.
"I want to hold the orange one!!" Vivi shouted excitedly. Despite it being..well. around 5 in the morning now.
"They're so tiny..." Lewis muttered in awe.
"Of course they're tiny, Lew, you're like. A giant!" You counter, as you make a pot of coffee for everyone.
Mystery sat laying with your dogs, and Arthur was unusually quiet, sitting by the box where you had placed your cat and her kittens. You thought it was strange that he wasn't as talkative, but figured it was because he hadn't had coffee yet.
Since you had to prepare for company, you had put your binder on, and put on some comfortable sweatpants. Vivi caught a glance of your mismatched bunny slippers and hid a chuckle.
"Thank you guys for coming- I was worried about my cat- and Arthur is like the smartest person I know-"
Arthur blushed at your comment, "he doesn't mean that--"
"It's no problem!" Vivi said excitedly. "Gee...I can't even remember the last time I saw kittens. Or a puppy."
"I know it's still early, but would you guys like some breakfast? I feel bad dragging you all out here this early."
They all seemed to enjoy the thought of breakfast. So you made some pretty bomb breakfast burritos.
You all took turns watching kittens, and everyone ate their fill, and enjoyed their coffee.
Eventually, Lewis and Vivi had to leave for work, but Arthur opted to stay with you for the day. Which, you didn't mind at all.
You wouldn't admit, but you've kinda had a crush on him for ages. But you didn't know how to approach that, and didn't want to ruin your friendship with the blonde.
After Lewis and Vivi were gone, you and Arthur rested next to each other on the couch, while the dogs hadn't taken up the space. Arthur had some of the kittens tucked in his vest, as he was worried they'd get cold. You were out of firewood, so you couldn't exactly start a fire to keep warm. And heaters were too much on the breakers for your cabin. So you sat huddled together with a bunch of blankets.
"….?" Arthur seemed nervous, and sleepy but he seemed to relax when you looked at him. "What is it, Artie?" You asked curiously.
"Do you think...maybe..we could..go out..after this?"
Your face became red and you smiled.
"Yeah man, of course! What you got in mind?"
"Lunch...? Just the two of us?"
You've been waiting for this forever. And now it's finally happening!!
"Heck yeah!!! I'll pay, you pick the place."
"Aren't you quite the gentleman?" Arthur chuckled. He leaned his head against your shoulder, and you leaned your head on his.
You couldn't wait until later.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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