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Long after Cole's weird encounter with Kai, he had decided to draw back and get a much-needed sleep.  Once the sun rose, Cole woke up with an eerie sense of fear. Not for himself, but for his best friend, nonetheless.

The cafeteria was full of bickering, everyone was betting on each other, rooting for who they thought would win. Cole stayed silent throughout this.
The day was blessed with a vast storm, thunder rumbled and lightening cracked, rain poured onto the pavement.
Cole walked by a table, stopping at what he heard.

"Actually, I think that blue kid is going to win. There's a storm right now, right? And he's the Master of Lightning, so he obviously has the upper hand. And it's also raining, which isn't helpful for Kai." Said an invisible man, everyone the table nodded, agreeing. Apart from a ruby haired girl.

"Posh! Are you kidding? Kai is way stronger than bluebell over there. It's not just about their elements, it also depends on their skill" She retorted, getting up, tray in hand. "I don't care about the chances; I know Kai will win. He always has." And with that, the girl walked away, heading off to another table where her opinion was met.

The people at the table stared in disbelief, a very earthy guy hummed. "I guess it is possible for Kai to win as well, we'll just have to wait and see." The group nodded and went back to eating, Cole decided that his easdropping was worthless now. So, he walked to his table.


Once Cole had sat down, it was quiet. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He looked around, nobody looked his way, not even Jay.
"Is everything okay?" Cole asked, puzzled by the silence, and the cold shoulders he received afterwards.

Lloyd sighed, the quiet of the table was noticeable, some other tables by them had hushed to listen in, obviously able to tell that something was wrong with the all powerful, honorable heros.

Jay glared at Lloyd, warning him with his eyes. "We found Zane, well, sort of. We found the cell he was in, a piece of his face was there, but we couldn't find him around." Lloyd whispered, cupping his mouth in his ear to muffle it from anyone else.

Cole's face turned into one of exclusion. They went looking for Zane...without me?! Cole huffed, trying to steady himself. These were his friends, but right now, they didn't feel like his friends.
"Why would you go without me?! I thought we were a team!" Cole said, heads turned, but Cole couldn't care less.

"Don't make such a big deal out of this Cole! You were busy elsewhere so me and Lloyd decided to actually do something!" Jay snapped back, Cole got up, smashing his hands on the table.

"You know what? I don't care! Go out and forget about the teammates you still have! Go and be reckless, see if I care!" Cole yelled, turning on his heel and trotting away angerly. Everyone drilled holes into the back of his head, but right now, Cole couldn't care.


After Cole slammed the door in his face, Jay instantly drawled his anger toward Kai, whirling his head over to spite daggers onto him with his stare, Kai met his eyes, mirroring the look with disqust.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He growled, and Jay had a hint of deja vu. Yet he ignored his judgment, he ignored he common sense when he lunged at the brunette, his hands cracking with lightning. Jay missed, crashing onto the table as Kai swirled out of way, smashing his head into the table repeatedly. 

Jay wailed in agony, zapping Kai with a pulse of blue energy, earning a pained noise from the other as he backed off. Jay looked for Lloyd, he looked for Garmadon. He groaned, seeing them being held back by Kai's goons.
This fight wasn't worth it, it wasn't. Jay saw that, and made an attempted to get to his friends.

Kai saw red at this, the dude had lunged at him like a feral dog, and was backing off now that he saw he was in it bad? Pathetic! Now it was Kai tackling Jay, dragging him to the floor, his brain to filled with emotions to realize he was being held back by familiar feminine hands, the purple acrylics giving away who it was almost instantly. "Sky?" Kai questioned, looking up to see Skylor heaving him up, leading him out of the chaos. 

"We need to talk! What was that about Kai?! You can't keep on getting into fights!" Skylor groaned, anger and annoyance laced around the edges, though it was clear that Skylor was trying to keep her cool. Kai sighed, rubbing his drowsy eyes with the heels of his hands.

The comms stirred, "Hello contestants! The match will soon begin, fighters get yourselves prepared in your rooms, for someone will go pick you up for your match. Good luck!" The whole building was washed over with silence, Kai growled and stomped his foot to the floor. Skylor sighed again; her exhaustion transparent. "We'll have to talk after, I trust that you can win, please don't prove me wrong." 

Skylor walked away afterwards, waving a goodbye as she escaped towards her room. Kai muttered a goodbye and left to go find his room. He would have to prepare, for he knew this was going to be rough. He just knew it, Kai always did.

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