
"It's okay Michelle. I have things to do this evening" I said rolling my eyes as we walked out of school
Out of the two of us, Michelle has always been more of a social butterfly. She likes the drama, the parties, meeting people 
I on the other hand would gladly spend the entire night in my room, the entire day in the library and I would gladly speak to as little people as possible 

I've gotten better with this whole social interaction thing over the last year and a bit. I mean I had to really.
When my parents told me we were going away for Summer I was dreading it, I mean I liked the idea of sleeping in, reading, sitting in the garden and repeat
But I guess this is one of those few occasions I'm glad my parents didn't give me a choice

Meeting James that summer changed a lot of things 
I knew of him from school and honestly I thought he was an ass but after getting to know him it's clear it's a front he puts up around everyone in school
You have to I guess to not get eaten alive in that place 

But now a days I can't help but wonder how different things would be if people knew 
I wouldn't have to sit around day in and out wondering when Beth and her Minions would strike, wondering what was really happening at those parties I'm never invited to 
I wouldn't have to worry because people who know he was in a relationship
But right now he's the school most eligible bachelor and I'm not a fan if I'm honest...

 Michelle disappeared into her house which luckily wasn't too far from mine, leaving me a few moments of silence before getting home 
It'll be silent at home too, I already knew that
Dad would be at work, Mum would be doing whatever it is that she does and Emily is off at College

"Hey you" A familiar voice to moment I got to my door step, I turned to the side to see James stood by the gate to the back garden
It's gotten to the point I'm pretty sure Dad leaves the gate open specifically for James just like how his Mum leaves a key under the matt for me

I think both of our families have truly adapted to us, they all know that we aren't flaunting it at school and can see why 
But that didn't stop the families from mixing happily 

"Hey" I smiled leaning up onto my tip toes kissing him before following him in through the back gate 
"how was the first day back?" James asked wrapping both his arms around me as we walked through the house before falling onto the sofa together
"Same old same old, Michelle complaining about me being in the library. Bradley joined the group so he's all buddy buddy with Daniel but besides that nothing interesting" I explained knowing questions about Bradley were probably circling in his head already

"What about you?" I asked poking him
"Beth, Jenn and Phoebe have invited the boys and I to Jenn's back to school thing on Friday so there is that. Hunter is making his way through the year below slowly, West started travelling over summer and well Eldon is Eldon" He laughed making me heart sink a little 

I really hate those parties, Michelle goes and she always tries to persuade me to but I can't ever stomach it 
Imagine going to a party where your boyfriend is there but you can't go over and be with him?
You have to stand there and watch girls try their luck 
It would make me feel sick to my stomach 

"Are you going to go?" I asked watching James shrug
"I was thinking about it, I know Hunter will try talk us into it but at the same time I think parties are getting a little too boring now" He said smirking at me while I rolled my eyes
"Is someone getting a little domesticated?" I teased as he chuckled pressing his lips against mine 

"As long as it's with you Ri, call it what you want" he smiled again  


Later that evening, James and I had headed up to my room where James had fallen asleep. That isn't uncommon, I'm beginning to think that boy stays up all night just to crash in my bed before going home 
We had done the homework we were given today and by We I mean I did mine while James complained about his before we settled on watching a film

I walked downstairs to grab us some food only to hear the TV in the living room, at first thought I wondered if James and I had left it on and I would be warned by mum about the Electricity bill but thinking logically we never turned it on the first place

"Hey Dad" I smiled sitting on the edge of the sofa as he watched the TV, it was football which wasn't shocking either 
"Hey sweetheart. I take it James is upstairs?" He asked and I nodded knowing he had probably seen James' car
"Asleep?" He asked again before chuckling when I gave him the look of 'You already know that answer '

"How was school? It was the first day back today wasn't it?" Dad continued to ask making me nod
"It was okay, pretty standard if I'm honest. I have a project already that I have 3 weeks to complete, it's pretty much almost done already" I said making Dad scoff nudging me
"You work too hard Riles" He said making me shrug 

"Is something playing on your mind honey? I can tell when you aren't really here you know" Dad said making me turn to him with a raised brow

"I don't know it's silly" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my hair
"If it's bothering you Riley, it's not silly. I can promise you that" He said offering me a smile 
I didn't want to unload all of this onto Dad, I couldn't tell anyone about it really
I tell Dad and it causes a rift between Dad and James, or James and the family. I tell Michelle and then the secret is out. I'm on my own with this one 

"Ri?" I heard James calling meaning he had working up from his nap
"Did you enjoy you beauty sleep son?" Dad teased the moment James joined us in the living room, he chuckled before kissing the top of my head joining my Dad completely

 I couldn't risk this.. Not when everyone is in this deep..

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