
James left at his usual timing last night, it was dark enough that he wouldn't be seen but was early enough that he wouldn't get an earful from his mum about being out. Not that she would give him one if she knew he was at mine

I walked into school the following morning with Michelle as usual. She was going on about her evening and as much as I was happy for her
I was only really half listening to her..
James was stood across the corridor at his locker with the boys but of course the trio of girls that were their shadows were with them 
It's a tradition though out this school where they shoot their shot, I knew that. Hell everyone did..

I had never been concerned about this before so I really don't know why I was right now 
James loves me and that is all the should matter but I can't shake this feeling 

"morning morning" Daniel said coming over to Michelle and I with Bradley in tow 
"Hey" I smiled at the pair of them. All we really knew about Bradley was that he had moved into town over the summer down to his Dad's promotion. He was similar to all of us in the fact that he's also a dancer, he gets good grades or at least that is what we are assuming seeing as he is in  every class with at least one of us 

"What were you two up to last night? I tried calling and got nothing but silence from both of you" Daniel laughed as we started to walk towards the class, usually this would be the point of the morning where I would look at James and he'd over a wink but he seemed otherwise entertained this time around... With Jenn and Beth stood directly in front of him while Phoebe was off terrorising Eldon 

"Mich was on a date" I said watching both boys smirk in her direction. That was the outcome I was hoping for. If they fixate on Michelle and her date, they won't be able to tell that something is up with me or at least that is the plan 

Before getting to class I took one more look behind me to see James in the same position again, the thing that sinks my stomach more is that he doesn't seem to have any will power to push them away
And I won't lie.. they are a little too close for my liking 

"you coming Riles?" Michelle said making me turn back to them nodding walking into the class room


I would be lying to you if I had said that today got better. In fact I don't think it could get any worse.. 
James ended up coming back to mine again although for the first time in a while I beat him there which is rare considering he has a car and drives it to and from school
"We've seen that film babe" James chuckled making me look back to the TV at the film I had chosen
"then pick a different one" I said handing him the remote, he looked at me hesitantly before raising a brow

"What's up Ri?" He said turning his entire body to face me
"Nothing James just pick a film" I said getting up off the bed but as fast as I did that, he copied coming over to where I stood practically stopping me from taking another step 

I didn't want to fight with him, I don't even know why I'm acting like this. I didn't mean to, I certainly didn't plan on it 

"Talk to me Riley, what's going on?" James asked softly tucking a piece of hair behind me ear making me look up at him 
There was a look of sincerity in his eyes, he would never intentionally hurt me and I knew that. I knew that no matter what those girls threw at him it wouldn't matter
but yet here we are 

"Honestly it's nothing, I swear" I muttered but James shook his head cupping me cheek knowing I still wasn't giving it up
"It's only day two at school and there is already a lot of work I need to do. It's just a lot I guess" I mumbled knowing full well it was a partial lie
We do have a lot of work but none of it was due anytime soon, but James didn't know that nor did he need to.. This answer would be good enough for him, trust me.. I would know 

I'm pro at avoiding things with him

"That's because you overwork yourself babe. Is any of it even due this side of Christmas?" James asked making me sigh shaking my head
"So stop worrying about it. You know you'll get it done and you know that when you do it'll be perfect" He reminded me making me look down 

Things in James' eyes are always simpler then they are in mine. I see the bigger picture, I pay attention to every single little second, every single fine detail. I want to know it all 
James on the other hand is happy as lot as it's finished 

"But I know you well enough to know something else is bothering you Riley" James said placing a kiss on my forehead
"I'm here if you want to talk, you know that. But I can't force you to" He reminded me making me nod

"I think I just need to sleep it off" I said but James nodded guiding me back over to the bed before playing the film I had originally put onto the TV
"That way, when we fall asleep it won't matter because we've seen it" He chuckled making me roll my eyes 

James might have his daily nap but I doubt my mind will shut down enough to let me sleep..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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