Chapter One: Sorrow and Tears

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Hey! I'm Kerakry and thank you for reading my fanfiction, it is my first one and I only spellchecked it and grammar checked it in Microsoft word and my writing skills aren't all that good but i hope you enjoy it

I don't plan on doing any ships, sorry

??? POV

I never planned for this to happen and yet it has been the most fascinating and enjoyable change in my life. It helped me help so many others and help myself as well.

But I should start at the beginning.

Tanjiro POV - The Kamado residence

God this is heavy, I thought as I carried the lumber from the stump from where it came from to the storage area.

"Tanjiro, are you able to handle that?" Nezuko asked from under the cover of the small house that was barely big enough to fit their family "You've become increasingly sick over the past few months."

"Don't worry Nezuko I'll be alright and besides I don't want to put more work on you that I already have to"!

"But Tanjiro your sickness will worsen if you are out there in the cold carrying all that lumber" Nezuko said trying to persuade me.

"No, I will not allow you to do that even if it is to help me, besides if you do this, you'll get your kimono dirty" I said persistently.

"You should worry about yourself more than me after all you've been becoming weaker recently."

"No, I'm perfectly fi..." Tanjiro said collapsing to the ground in a fit of coughing.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was the figure of my sister rushing out to my unconscious body.

Narrator POV - Inside the house

"Is he going to be ok?" Nezuko asked in a worried tone to her mother.

"I don't know Nezuko my dear we can only hope the doctor doesn't come bearing bad news" Said Kie Kamado, the mother of the siblings "I can only hope that he does not have a grave illness or disease."

The doctor enters the room with a solemn look on his face.

"I'm sorry but Tanjiro has seemed to have contracted an unknown fatal disease that seems to rapidly starve the victim," The doctor said to Kie in hushed tones.

"I... Is there no way to treat it?" Nezuko said on the verge of tears.

"Unfortunately, this sickness is untreatable.... unless." He said clearly thinking about something.

"Unless what?" Nezuko said with hope in her eyes.

"There could be a way," The doctor murmured.

"Please tell us, we'd do anything" both Kie and Nezuko pleaded willing to try anything to save their Loving Son and Brother.

"Well... Recently I discovered hidden away in a generations old secret room in my family home instructions for a so called 'cure all' medicine using the petals of a rare flower called The Blue Spider Lily that my family has been taking care and nourishing for generations. However, in the notes written by my ancestor it says that it was already administered to a patient of a similar disease nearly 1000 years ago." The doctor admitted.

"Did it work?" Nezuko asked in a hopeful tone.

"Apparently the medicine that had been administered to the patient had been contaminated and as such a fatal flaw had occurred in the healing process and after that the notes had seemed to be cut off abruptly for no apparent reason." He replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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