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this morning you woke up to my phone ringing. it was nick. " hello?" you answer quietly "hey wanna go to the mall?" nick answered. "yeah give me 30" you say tiredly.

you hurry and jump out of bed and start getting ready. you do a natural makeup look before getting dressed. you hear a honk outside you grab your keys run outside and hop in the van. "hey Nicky" you say smiling softly. "hey Kinsley" nick replies. Matt was driving like always. you and Nick stir up a conversation.

-time skip-                                                                                                                                                                                   you were walking to the triplets house it was raining really hard but you didn't have an umbrella. you got to the front door and knock excitedly that soon faded when you saw Chris sturniolo open the door. Chris hated you he has sense in high school. he kind of shut you out but won't tell you why he did.

you run to Nicks's room and jump on his bed "hey" you say with a huge smile. "kins" nick says. "yeah?" you ask. " do you want to be in this week's car video?" he asks you with a soft smile."FUCK YEAH" you yelling hugging him.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Chris says sternly from the hallway."sorry" you say quickly. he eyes you up and down then walks to his room.

-time skip-                                                                                                                                                                                  it was the next day and you were getting ready for the video. you grab your keys and head to the van. you hop in and matt starts driving to the parking lot." hey guys we got a special guest" matt says pointing to you." oh im Kinsley" you say shyly. you and the triplets start to ramble on about some topic. the video ends and matt drops you off at home. you walk to your front door and unlock it.

so that was the first chapter I hope you like it so so far!!

more coming soon.                                                                                                                                           

i hate you\chris strunioloWhere stories live. Discover now