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you and chris were walking home. it had started sprinkling outside. you and chris rush to his house." hey" you say to nick." hi? where were you guys" he says smirking as he sees you blush.

" park" you blurt out running upstairs. nick follows behind you quickly." so howed it go" he says sitting down. " it was good." you say looking down." he was being really sweet to me" you say smiling." ok anything else?" he asks." no" you say looking at him.

-time skip-                                                                                                                                                                                  you hear a ding from your phone. it was nick." hey me matt and Chris are going to a party wanna come?" he asks." yeah" you text back. you start getting ready for the party. you put on a pink silk dress and some pink heels. you hear a honk. you rush and grab your keys heading outside.

"so whose party are we going to?" you ask looking at nick." Elmers " nick says." ok" you say smiling at him. you and the triplets finally made it to the party. you walk in to hear loud music. the song he was playing was Florida by Dominic Fike. you were going to get a drink when you felt someone's hand grab yours. 

you spin around quickly to see Matthew." we need to talk right now" he yells over the loud music." ok" you say confused as he pulls you to an empty room." whatsup?" you ask him softly." i-" he stops himself." I like you" he says hesitantly looking at you." you like me? like a crush?" you say looking at him." yes a....." he trails off." nevermind forget I said anything, sorry." he says walking away teary-eyed.

 you walk out a little bit after him going straight to nick." we need to talk NOW." you say grabbing his arm." ok chill" he says giggling." MATT LIKES ME" you say sobbing." pause....WHAT." he yells looking shocked." yeah he just told me." you say wiping your tears away.

" that explains his reaction" nick says." what?" you say looking confused." when i told him you liked chris" he says in a duh tone." right, it does" you say looking at the wall." should we tell chris?" you ask him." yeah no" he says looking scared." if you never want to see matt again tell him" he says. you and nick walk out and act as if nothing happened.

 "hey" you say hugging chris. " hey do you wanna leave its been like 3 hours." chris says smiling." gladly" you say letting out your breath." ill get nick and matt" he says leaving.

i hope you liked this chapter there's a lot of drama lol. 

posting tmrw!!!!<3

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