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you run to your room and jump on your bed. you lay there watching tiktok for almost an hour. you hear a knock at your door you rush downstairs to open it." Chris?" you say in shock." you forgot your sweater" he says rolling his eyes and handing it to you." oh thanks" you say. you go to your room and drift off to sleep. you wake up to a ding on your phone. it was nick." wanna come over????" he said." sure" you text back. you get out of bed and head to his house around 8 pm

-time skip-                                                                                                                                                                                  it was about 8:50 pm when you got to the boy's house. you knock loudly when you hear footsteps coming to the door." heyy" nick says opening the door for you."hey" you say back hugging him." I have a big secret to tell you" he says staring at you."ok what is it then?" you say confused." well it has to do with Chris." he says pausing."ok tell me already" you say getting annoyed." well he likes you" he says with a scared face." what" you say as your jaw drops." yeah he told me after he got home." nick says.

"what the fuck" you think to yourself. you start blushing at the fact that Chris has a crush on you. nick looks at you with shock." you like him too don't you" he says smirking." WHAT NO" you yell covering your face quickly. nick looks at you smiling knowing your lying to him. 

" you should tell him" nick smirks at you smugly." no not in a million years" you say rolling your eyes." ok then I will" he says." NO YOU WONT NICK" you yell as you hear footsteps coming downstairs." kins why are you yelling" Chris says rubbing his eyes. you cover your mouth then look at him quickly."oh um sorry chris" you say rubbing your neck." its whatever" he says getting a snack. you go upstairs with nick and head to matts room." matt we need to talk" nick says." so basically chris likes kinsley, kinsley li-" nick says before matt cuts him off." chris likes kinsley?" matt says confused." yeah she likes him to" nick says in a duh tone." oh" matt says looking down.

-time skip-                                                                                                                                                                                  you could stop thinking about matts reaction its like he was sad in some sort of way. you open tiktok on your phone and sit watching god knows what on your fyp. you

you text matt and asked if he was ok." he left me on fucking read" you whisper. you grab a hoodie and go outside. you walk to a park. it was a park you always went to when you were sad or lonely. you sit on a bench and lay you head back looking at the stars. you hear leafs crunching you spin around quickly to see chris standing in front of you." oh um hi" you say blushing." hey" he says sitting next to you.

" the stars are so pretty" he says looking up." I know right" you say smiling at him. chris looks at you with his beautiful blue eyes. you look away breaking thee trance you were in"so why are you out here?" you ask him." no reason" he says smirking at you. chris moves closer to you and puts his arm around you. you get butterflys and start to blush hard. you lay your head on his shoulder closing your eyes and smiling.

that was the second chapter sorry they are really short lol I hope you liked it!!!!!<3

more coming sooooon!!!!!!!

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