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(If you have seen any mistakes in my stories please point them out even as little as a comma to a misspelling there/their. I would appreciate it a lot.)

Running past Doug was Kong. His fist left imprints in the ground. He rose up and looked around. A stream was flowing down from the mountain. He went to get a drink. He saw the sky darken and new creatures filled the night. Many giant fireflies, about the size of humans filled the sky and something else. A bunch of giant mosquitoes. They flew down at Kong who did not notice them at first but began to get bit and he itched before he saw them and he roared. The attack progressed. Doug on the other hand was having a good time watching Kong struggle as he ate the bugs around within his little pool of water. He was practically laughing. A whistle went through the air before a screech responded. 

Back in the ocean was Timiat still following Meg. Meg turned behind a rock and then charged at Timiat. He rammed straight into her and she fell into a chasm. She came back up and roared. She sounded extremely mad and confused. Meg bared his teeth and approached. He opened wide and Timiat finally spread her wings like arms and flapped up and left the ocean. Meg then dove down and began to scrape the ground before a giant fish arose and he ate the juicy meal. Timiat on the other hand snorted at the water and began to crawl off. 

Typhoon had gone to rest in the hollow earth and was upside down in a cave much like the bat-like creature she resembled.  The sky darkened and she landed on the ground. It was time to feast on the hollow earth mosquitoes. She waited and then took off. She flapped up and ate the flying insects and brushed the sky rocks with her wing tips. She then heard a whistle and she roared back. She flew over to it. 

Facon had whistled as she flew from her cave and heard a response. One that was new. She flew down to Doug who exited the water. He barked at her and she whistled back. Bearos was having trouble getting down and Doug went to investigate him. Facon then flapped up and saw Kong struggling. "Who's he?" she asked herself. Then she was tackled by something. She looked to see a bat titan, Typhoon grasped her talons. They flew and twirled trying to shake the other away. Facon tried to peck at her opponent's head but missed. Her feathers on the other hand were ruffled and fell off. Typhoon gave a sonic screech making her fall and lose her grasp. She fell to the ground and was pinned. That was until Kong showed up. The swarm had fled and he held his ax. He growled. "Why are you fighting?" he asked. "Good question, what did I do to you?" Facon asked Typhoon. "I thought you were going to attack me." Typhoon said, clearly annoyed by the bird. "Well can you resolve that away from me or not fight at all?" he asked. "No can do, this is my home." Facon said, she was not about to leave. Kong huffed. "Very well then." He moved on and Typhoon saw Bearos running in fast and flew away. "I better go somewhere else." she said and took off. Bearos ran into Kong and roared. Kong punched him off and that knocked him off. Bearos fell unconscious and he looked at Facon. "He thinks you were trying to hurt me." She explained. He shook his head and moved on. 

Frogu was in her swamp area hopping around when she saw a warbat flying in. "Oh come on." she said, she hopped up and dodged the snake only for it's tail to hit her down. Then the snake moved down and slithered through the air toward her. A boulder hit it and it turned to see Kong with his ax. He roared not knowing the danger of it and had his head removed. The warbat lay dead and Kong began to eat. Frogu approached snagging a bite which Kong did not mind. "Who are you?" Frogu asked. "I am Kong, the king of hollow earth." he said, not in a boastful manor. She bowed. "You don't have to bow." he said, feeling a bit strange. She rose up. They finished the meal and then Kong saw something. Danger with humans. A fire. A storm was also rolling in. Lighting was very frequent and very hot. Kong tried to get to the humans but the storm made that hard. Frogu had to move him into a cave to stop him. "The storm is going to get worse, best to stay in here, the humans should be fine." she explained her actions. Kong sighed and stabbed his ax into the ground. 

Tebeetle and Tricseru saw the storm from a distance. "That's a bad storm." Tricseru said, Tebeetle nodded. "It's been years since the last big one." he said. They began to stay under water. 

Meg saw the water droplets and moved at the water surface, almost daring for it to strike. 

Timiat crashed down onto the land. The storm hammered her. Fortunately for her she was able to get into a cave that turned out to be Typhoon's cave and they caught up.

In the desert there was no rain but there was a sandstorm. The animals kept approaching the great hunt.  Three toed footprints in the sand that were instantly covered up. 

(As you may have noticed this segment is much shorter than Titan Origins. Hopefully you all enjoy it though. None might ever be as long as that segment however.)

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