MOTHRA QUEEN OF THE MONSTERS: Battle for Infant Island

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Battra flew at high speeds. He was going dead ahead to a nuclear facility. One in North Korea. He was above the smog clouds and then moved down to attack. He flapped his wings once moving debris and dropped down. The aircraft flew by and hit him with heavy strikes. He roared at them and spun around having his tail take them down. He then dropped down into the city. His wings blanket it. Darkness fell over the area and the only light seen was the explosions from the tanks that hit him. His legs began to move onto them as he walked closer to the reactor. He then glowed his eyes and fired on the reactor. The city became fried and the radiation swept over and no survivors remained. he roared and flew up. Next up were the polluted waters in India. 

Mothra felt the humans were in danger and she knew her brother was the cause. She sliced her cocoon open and flew up with jets accompanying her. She flew faster and faster but saw that Battra was already there and he blasted the village and waters. They cleared up and sizzled. The human survivors ran from him. He then turned on them before Mothra roared and barrel rolled into his body. He roared and flung her off. He took to the air and they flapped around each other, roaring. Battra then glowed his eyes but Mothra flashed her light and made Battra blind for the moment. She then tackled him down into the mountain side. The rocks fell past them and toward the humans. Mothra stopped her attack to help the humans. She blocked the boulders but was blasted by Battra. He charged and rammed his crowned head into her. She grunted and flew back a couple meters. She crashed down and Battra flew over. He then landed and slashed his leg into her chest. She creamed in pain as he then moved his arm back. Blood coated his claws. He stared at her weak form. She then glowed her antennae and blasted him back. He grunted and flew back into the water. A big splash followed. She then landed down over him. "Brother, why?" She asked. "Do you not see the pollution." He sneered. "I see it, but why hurt the innocent?" She asked. "They are the cause, this world is going to get worse because of these humans." Battra said to her. "You must learn the difference between good humans who are innocent and bad humans. You can get rid of the bad ones." She said. "So all of them?" He said to her. She silked his mouth shut. "No, stop this Battra, these humans don't deserve this. You know it." Mothra said to her brother. He broke through the silk and moved his head and growled. "Fine, for now." He snarled at her. Then they had a splitting headache and a vision followed. Infant Island was shown to be in trouble. The vision stopped. "What are we waiting for?" Battra asked and launched himself home. She followed. 

King Cesar growled and looked around, he smelt intruders. A bolt of lightning shot him down and singed his fur. He turned and saw Megalon. "Trespasser, it would be wise if you left now, while you still can." Megalon advised. "Not until you give back the territory to Mothra." He told him. "Wrong choice." He said and fired at him. King Cesar then opened his eyes wide. The blast went in and fired back at Megalon. Megalon moved back. He then flew up and then dropped a bomb like object from his mouth that blew up around Cesar's face. He shook his head and his ears pointed up. Megalon landed and then hit Cesar in the back. He then rammed his horn into him. Cesar fell forward but then jumped up. He then kicked off Megalon and landed back to run at him. Megalon dodged and blasted him. Cesar jumped up and then landed back down. He roared at Megalon and charged him. Megalon and Cesar then began to tussle with each other. Cesar than made Megalon trip. Megalon roared as he hit the ground. Cesar then leaped onto him and clawed his face and bit his horn. Megalon roared and waved his claws. Cesar then roared at his face when he was rammed back toward the cliff edge. Megagurius was there and roared at him. He stood up and roared back. Her wings began to beat faster and then she moved too fast for him. She flew from all sides and slashed him with her claws. He fell down and looked up as she landed. She then put her claw around his neck and choked him. He gasped for air. "You thought you could win?" She asked. Cesar snapped at her face. She then flew up and dropped him into the water. A human jet fired at her. She snarled and moved her back legs. Megalon got up and flew in to intercept them. Cesar then climbed back up coughing up water and he roared at her. She turned. "I love killing the heroes." She said and charged. She went up and dove behind him before moving her tail spike into his back and sucked his energy. He cried out in pain. She then let him go and he fell. She then glowed her tail and slammed it down toward him when Mothra slammed into her making her miss. "You! The Queen." Megagurius said. "That's right, now give me my island back." Mothra roared and blasted her and fired her silk. Megagurius dodged and hit Mothra down. She glowed her tail when Cesar pulled her down. She roared and fell to the ground. Cesar then jumped at her when Megalon crashed into him and pushed him into the sea and went after him. Megalon glowed his horn and fired at Cesar who reflected the beam. Megalon roared and swiped his claws at him. Cesar had blood come out of him. Megalon was plucked form the water by Battra. "I'll kill you!" Battra roared and drove him into the cliff side. Battra had him pinned and began to stab him again and again with no end in sight. Megalon then fired a bomb from his mouth making Battra fly back and for Megalon to blast him down. Mothra charged at Megagurius only to be swiped down. Mothra groaned and looked up at an incoming stinger. She moved away and flew up. Megagurius flew up as well. Megalon then joined in until Cesar brought him down. Battra took his chance and flew at Megagurius and blasted her. She roared at him and fired her own tail beam of Cesar's energy and shot Battra down onto the island. He was singed and sizzling. She then got tackled by Mothra into the water. Mothra stabbed her claws again into her. She hissed in pain and stabbed back. Megagurius then stabbed Mothra and took some of her energy. Mothra then hit her off but was blasted to the sea floor. Beside her was the skeleton of Daghara. She remembered him fondly. She then launched herself at Megagurius and readied her stinger. Megagurius saw murky water and was then stabbed. Her claw was sliced off by Mothra's stinger. Megagurius roared in pain and was stabbed again at her chest and she was pushed off and sent away. She faded away into the murky water. Mothra then coughed out bubbles. She needed to get to the surface but she was drowning. She couched again and moved her wings. She sank to the bottom and began to lose consciousness. Megagurius was defeated though, she could go and come back. This was all fine. But she forgot that she had not laid an egg. She panicked but her eyes dimmed. Then she was launched to the surface. "I got you Mothra, hang on." A familiar voice said to her. She and her rescuer breached the surface. Megalon flew away as Cesar pulled himself to shore. He then looked over and gasped. "Your Majesty." He bowed. Battra got up and moved over to her. "Sister?" He said to her, waiting for a response. Then she breathed in the air and coughed the water out. Her eyes brightened. She then felt the claws holding her tightly. She looked up to see her best friend gazing at her. "Godzilla." She smiled. "Welcome back, queen of the monsters." He said to her and moved his head down. She clung to his chest and hugged him as his head moved over her fluffy head. Godzilla and Mothra stood there for some time before he set her down. "Megagurius is gone and the island is ours." She proclaimed. The three other titans cheered. "What were you doing around the area?" Mothra asked her rescuer. "I had felt you in need of help so I came." Godzilla explained. Some humans came forth and praised Mothra and Battra and sang a song for the queen. 

Mothra sang along with them in harmony. Cesar began to go back home where his villagers cheered for him and he went back to sleep. Godzilla remained on the island for a few days before going back to his new dwelling. Battra was on the island with Mothra. "Well done sis, I'm proud of you." He then flew away to his residence on the island. Going to sleep while she went to her temple and saw a statue of Daghara to look at. She then went to sleep.

While Megalon had disappeared from everyone Megagurius crawled from the sea. She coughed out water and growled. She went into a cave and rested. Her next battle would need her well rested. Her children came to help her. 

A few weeks later. Megalon was digging in the ground when he stopped to rest. Above him was a volcano and inside it was Rodan. His eyes snapped open. 

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