DEFENSE FORCE: Battle in Tokyo

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Original titans: Status marching to the new enemy titan

New titan: Status dormant

The next morning came and all the titans awakened. The first thing to be done was ask for additional help. They tried to contact any others, even Godzilla but nothing came. Rodan might know something since he inhabited Mount Fuji. But it was time to get ready. Baphomet made sure to be full on food and made sure his horns were strong. His fire breath was ready. Abadon had her bugs at full command and her herself was ready. Leviathan even after the battle was ready for round two. Bunyip felt the same. Sekhmet was stretching like a feline and was definitely ready to move. Yamata No Orichi was on full alert and keen on his senses. Sargon made sure his tail was lightning fast and his claws were strong enough to crush this monster's bones. Scylla got a good rest and was ready to freeze the beast. Na Kika was in the water awaiting the battle. She was filled with ink ready to go and her camouflage at full. Amhuluk was born ready, his immense strength was so powerful that it ripped Behemoth's tusk off. Behemoth was sitting there thinking about a plan. Methuselah was thinking as well. He thought about how they defeat such a thing and all make it out alive.  Mokele-Mombe knew the outcome or at least a few outcomes. His horn grew a brighter green. MUTO Queen was staring out into the sea, she was perhaps the most uneasy and not ready for battle. She knew this one was gonna be a very long and difficult one. There was a way to get an advantage. She came up to the others. "Fellow titans, the battle ahead will be difficult but I know that there is something I can do to help." MUTO Queen announced. "Well go and do what you must, we will meet you in Tokyo." Methuselah said to her. With that she went off. Mokele-Mombe roared and all the titans headed to Tokyo. 

MUTO Queen was walking past a nuclear facility. It did not suffice though. As she went past, trying not to hurt humans, she made it to Chernobyl. Surprisingly untouched by the titans. She sat there and began to harden. She was still and protected by a shell. She was now molting into a more powerful form. A form that could change a tide in battle, a form built to almost certainly kill a gojira. 

The titans crossed the sea to Tokyo in a matter of hours. Night had come over them and all was quiet and still. In the ground were many fish and a coral reef. Courtesy of Godzilla. Thankfully nothing tried to jump them. A matter was discussed about two missing titans. "Crikey, where are Timiat and Typhoon?" Bunyip asked. "Oh, I can't believe I just remembered them."  Baphomet laughed. "They went to the hollow earth and were going to see how Kong was doing and were going to remain down there in case there was danger." Behemoth told them. "Shouldn't we call them up here for reinforcements?" Yamata No Orichi asked. "No, we should be able to handle this, besides I don't think we could reach them." Abadon suggested. "Fine. We continue on." The eight headed guardian snarled. They then arrived in Tokyo and rested by the bay. They would move in at first light and survey the dormant form of the beast. 

MUTO Queen had a whole site set up around her just as an orange and red glow and coloration began around her front legs and eyes. Spikes began to protrude out. She was becoming more radioactive so the humans had to stay farther away. She would be done soon. 

The eventful morning began. At first the titans began to wake up one by one. Sargon was buried in the dirt when Leviathan smacked him. Sargon thrashed and tried to snap at him. Baphomet breathed a little fire by Abadon which made her wake up. Amhuluk moved some plants around Na Kika and she woke up. Behemoth got Scylla awake last while Bunyip and Sekhmet woke each other up. Methuselah and Mokele-Mombe did not need to be woken up and rose like the sun. Yamata No Orichi was already up. "Time to reclaim my home." He vowed and marched into the city. All the others close behind. 

They arrived to see humans moving in to wake the beast up. An explosion made him wake up and already he fired a blast. Bunyip leaped out of the way. "Lets push him down!" Sargon roared and moved in. A train ran into him distracting him from the incoming titans. Yamata No Orichi sprinted over and lunged all his heads and bit onto the beast neck. The beast roared out similar to how Godzilla did but more resounding. He then moved him off and breathed heavily. Baphomet bleated like a goat and rammed into him and breathed fire into his face. The beast roared out repeatedly like a chant of its name. "Shin, Shin, Shin, Shin." It appeared to be the name of the beast. Abadon then charged with her bugs. She scratched and drew blood and Shin was too slow to move away. Amhuluk then punched him in the head. "Shut up!" He roared and used his vines to hold him down. His spines glowed but Na Kika fired off her ink that cooled him off. She had been camouflaged. Sekhemet held his tail down as Sargon clamped down the body and stung him. Shin roared out in intense pain and got his head stepped on by Yamata No Orichi. "Now Scylla." Leviathan said as he lunged for the head of Shin. Shin's mouth gaped open when human vehicles shoved coolant down his throat. Scylla stabbed him and began to emit her freezing ability. Shin then glowed his back and they all moved away. His back spikes fired and then his tail and mouth breathed the purple beams. Some hit the titans but just barely and it was weaker. "Aim for the sides!" Yamata No Orichi advised. Shin roared out but was rammed by Behemoth and Methuselah who used their horns and tusks. Blood poured down and Shin tipped over and then turned causing a tear. Then Mokele-Mombe slammed his horn and tusks into him and fired a green beam causing lots of internal damage.  Mokele-Mombe knocked him down and reared up. He slammed into him and used his tail to hit and strangle Shin. Shin was then given more coolant and buildings, pushed by the other titans, fell onto him and Scylla and the humans froze him. He rose up and became still. The titans waited and then cheered. They roared and spoke compliments. Sekhemt and Bunyip nuzzled and then slapped hands and claws with each other. The battle was won. Or was it.

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