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With her smartphone pressed against her ear, Seri uses her free hand to navigate the channels of the LCD monitor inside the car. Her publicist on the other end tells her that she had just heard the best news and it successfully catches her attention. Once on the right channel, a newscaster appears, talking about the police capture of a certain producer that she was all too familiar with.

His warrant of arrest included several charges including multiple counts of sexual harassment, assault, and bribery reported by his victims working in the entertainment industry. They have also shown their love and support for award-winning actress, Yoon Seri, who was seen in a video that was leaked earlier this year where she was seen being threatened by the said producer.

Justice being rightfully served just days after the case was filed in court is perceived as a positive effect of the Violence Against Women Helpdesk that His Majesty the King had formally opened earlier this month. Their office can be reached through the following hotlines.

"You do realize that this might be him trying to reach out to you, right?" Hye-ji asks her, prompting the actress back to the present. The latter reaches over to turn off the monitor and leans back against the leather seats with a sigh. "No one else has the power to expedite such a controversial case like this one. In real life, the guilty always go scot-free."

"Whatever theory you come up with does not change the fact that he now wants nothing to do with me," Seri answers, surprising herself with how strong and steady her voice was despite her heart hurting just the same. It has been months since their last conversation, but the moment he snapped at her remains fresh inside her mind. "And I don't blame him."

"You were both hurting, Seri. People say things that they don't mean when they are upset," Hye-ji reminds her gently. Upset may be too light a word to describe the devastation that was losing Ri Mu-hyeok but Seri holds her tongue because the other woman has a point. "I am quite certain that he feels just as apologetic as you do."

"You weren't there, Hye-ji," the actress says in a soft tone, looking out the tinted window forlornly. She had stood witness of his anger before, but he had always kept his composure. Being on the receiving end absolutely crushed her, but she also realized that she deserved it. "He just lost his brother, and I was so focused on our relationship and where we go from there."

Before she could hear her publicist's reply, Seri suddenly finds herself being thrown forward. The car jerks into an abrupt stop. The smartphone falls from her hand. Her forehead hits the edge of the LCD monitor. "Ow," she complains under her breath, rubbing the area to soothe the bump, and hears the divider being lowered down. "Ju-meok, are you okay? What is going on?"

"Ms. Yoon, are you all right?" he asks in alarm when he sees her grimace. "My sincerest apologies. A man appeared out of nowhere and crossed the street on a red pedestrian light. He might be drunk. I will go out and investigate. Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?"

"No, I'm fine," she waves off his concern. "Go check on him and see if he's all right."

"Are you sure?" Ju-meok asks again to which the actress insists that there was nothing physically wrong with her. "Okay. Do not open your doors for anyone. Shout if you need me."

The chaotic sounds of city traffic momentarily echoes inside the car when he opens his door. The actress picks up her fallen device on the floor to resume the call just as the silence returns and tells her publicist what had happened. "I'm fine," she assures her. "Just a minor accident."

"You are a magnet for trouble, that is what you are," Hye-ji comments with a relieved sigh. "No doubt His Majesty knew that when he decided to assign the Royal Guard to protect you."

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