Chapter 32

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4 months had passed after it was confirmed that I am not a black. Not much has happened in the months. I learned a lot and spent time with my friends. Often only with Tom because he still didn't like the others. In the months I only realized how smart Tom is. We often learned together and he was always ahead of me and he always helped me when I didn't understand something.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked while she was pouring her plants. "Nothing. I just learned, but now I'm not doing anything." I answered her. "Perfect. If the others do something without us, we can do something together." That was true. The group went to Hogsmead today. Tom Helped Professor Slughorn in preparation for a potion. Claire didnt want to go and i hadnt enough learned so we three stayed in the castle. "What do you suggest what we do?" I asked her. "You remember the lake where we were in summer" I nodded. "Of course. I will never forget the lake where I almost drowned in. such a great memory" I Dramatically put my hands on my heart and looked dreamily. She giggled."Now we could go ice skating there. We have had snow for a week, I'm sure the lake is frozen over." I grin. ,,I love ice skating."

So we put on warm clothes, took ice skates and went to the lake. There weren't many at the lake. A few Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were there but the lake was big enough for all of us. We put our things on a bensh and went straight to the ice. Claire looked like she was doing this for the first time so I drove to her and took her hand and we skated out onto the ice. Sometimes she stumbled but didn't fell down. That made us both laugh. We took our hands together and turned in a circle. Then I decided to practice a few tricks. I drove back and turned around in one swing.

Claire watched a flower on the edge. I drove to her and watched her quietly until she started to speak. ,, This is a snow rose, also called Christmas rose. They bloom in winter." She continued to talk about the flower and I listened. She loves flowers as much as I love books. It is fascinating how she can talk about flowers for hours and knows almost every flower.

After a while I tried to continue doing tricks. I jumped up and made half a turn. My goal was to do a whole turn, but that didn't work. I drove normally on the ice and lost myself in my mind. I only woke up from my thoughts when I accidentally drove against someone. "Oh I'm sorry I'm not paying attention," she apologized. "No no everything's fine, I also didn't pay attention to where I go." She smiled at me and stretched out her hand. "Euphemia Briahewaite" I shook her hand. "Valentina Black" ,, I know. We have transfiguration together," she replied. ,,Oh. I didn't notice you at all in transfiguration"she laughed. Actually it was meant rather nasty but I liked that she took it with humor. ,, I'll go back to the others. See you in transformation," said Euphemia happily and lead away. "Hopefully not," I muttered to myself. Claire drove to my side. "What did Braithewaite want?" She asked. ,,Nothing special. We drove against each other and then she introduced herself" I replied ,,it is slowly getting dark,We should go so that we can still changed before. dinner" I nodded and we walked back to our room while Claire told me about her family.

The day before the winter vacation was pretty stressful. Last year we only had two hours of flying lessons and today we have transfiguration,potions,Charms in a row. I walked to Transfiguration with Regulus. In the classroom he went to his friends. I sat down at a free table and waited until class started. Someone was sat next to me. "Heyy" I turned to see euphemia . She smiled proudly when she saw my confused face. "Why are you sitting here." I replied annoyed. "So that you notice me" "Why do you want me to notice you" I replied even more confused than before. "Well, so that we can become friends." Her smile got even bigger. ,,absolutely not. Forget it" she shook her head. "You are annoying." She nodded. Why did she nod? Why does it agree with a negative thing? "Listen, we drove against each other while ice skating, I'm sorry to say that but that doesn't mean that I like you" now she started to grin. What's wrong with her? ,,You like me you just don't like that I'm Gryffindor and destroy your perfect Slytherin reputation." I looked at her skeptically. How does she know? "I know that because you are Normal then look at my tie and are suddenly annoyed." I just shook my head. "Shut up" luckily the lessons started so I didn't have to deal with her any further.

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