Chapter 10

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I knocked. Walburga stood behind me. Tom opened the door. ,,Hey Tom Riddle. No matter this is my sister Walburga. Walburga this is Tom Riddle" I introduced her to each other and looked at her intensely."So Malfoy and Nott you already know me. Now one is missing" "Alphard this is Valentina" He looked at her somewhat questioningly ,,Next? The last name?" I had to smile right away. ,, Wow. Reg was the only " "Black. Katelyn Valentina Black. " His arrogant facial expression became a shocker. "Katie." And already he had hugged me.

"Tom how should I fall asleep today without your snoring" "Well you have to get used to it now," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. I could see that he had only partially listened to me because he read some book. "You are sooo boring." Everyone was out in the yard and explored school. If they were all here, I would be so dead. He hates it when I talk to him like that. "No seriously how should I please fall asleep without your presence" this time he hadn't even listened to me in part. He is really exhausting. I made my way to my room. He probably hadn't noticed that either.

In the room there was Druella in my surprise. "Hey I thought you went out with the others" ,,No. was too boring for me. And why are you here and not at Riddle in the common room" she asked. "you don't know how exhausting it is . I was just with him but he didn't even listen to me. He wants to be the best of the year. I wonder why he didn't come to Ravenclaw.",,How do you actually know each other. I mean you as a black with someone who doesn't even know his blood status. Not meant badly-",,Well, as you probably noticed, I didn't grow up with the Blacks. I came to an orphanage at 5 where Tom was. I noticed that he wasn't normal, so I befriended with him. After that, my life really started so you can say I know him all my life",,oh i didnt know you lived in a orphanage . Is it ok for you if I call you tina or val? " "Sure. It's better than Katelyn. I got the name from my parents, that's why I don't like it. For me I am Valentina Black" She smiled and then started talking about her family. She was like me only that she was not dropped into an orphanage.

A week has passed. So today we have the first day of school today. I get along very well with Druella. Even better than with my sister. Druella is also the only girl in Slytherin with whom I got along. The others were snooty. I spent my time with Tom, Brax and Druella. My siblings were mostly out together. I thought it was a shame that Regulus had to be with them. I just had him back and then my siblings come and take him away from me. They said, "Blacks have to stick together if you don't want to be with us then don't spoil Reg with you."

I woke up at 5 am. to take a shower again while the others were still sleeping. Dressed, I leafed through the books of the subjects we had today. 2 hours of magic potions then Defense Against the Dark Arts and at the end magic. I think today we are only doing the standard things in magic. At half past seven I wake the others. Because I was already finished I took my books and went into the common room. Tom was already sitting on the sofa and was deepened in a book. I sneaked up and jumped on the armchair next to him. He didn't just flinch ,,oh please val you know exactly that I feel your presence as soon as you just get closer to the room." "Oh come on, what are you reading?" "Potions." he answerd unintrested in a conversation. "Haha I've read that this morning. I'm looking forward to potions." ,,Me too, but we still have this fool Slughorn. Give me your timetable" So I gave him to him."Did you imitate me? You have almost all the same subjects as me. Instead of transformation, history of magic. And I also care for magical creators instead of herbalism." "I copied YOU? " I rolled my eyes. "Dont.roll.your.eyes" great when I talk to him he doesn't hear it but if I roll my eyes while he doesn't look at me anyway he notices it. I got my schedule back after he almost studied it. I did not notice that he was getting up, "are you coming?"

At breakfast there was almost no one. All of them probably only got up now. I only took an apple and continued to leaf through the book. Tom stared at some students and probably tried to read their thoughts. After a while Our friends came too +lestrange.  I have No problem with him. he is just a little pushy. "Well how are our favorite black?" Yeah,like i said.Pushy. ,,good Lestrange. Tell me what do you all have now?" Nott,Lestrange and Malfoy had a broom flight and the rest potions. So the three of us set off on the way.

"I forgot my books. I come after you. go ahead" with that, Druella disappeared. Again there was no one in the classroom. We had a lot of choice. I sat in the 2nd row, Tom next to me. Because those in the front row are usually not urgent. Little by little the others came along, as an example. Regulus. My two siblings had a broom flight instead of potions. He sat behind us. I immediately turned and started a conversation. Otherwise I never really had a chance to do so. Druella sat next to Reg because she wanted to sit near me. But I realized that it wasn't just that, because her cheeks turned slightly pink when she saw Regulus. But I had to turn around again because Sulghorn came into the class room. ,,So nice to have all of you here. Can someone tell me what kind of potion this is?" Toms and my hand shot straight up. Oh that will be a fun school year next to Tom ..."Yes. Miss Black " ,,A swell potion. This magic potion makes things bigger. A splash on them is enough to let them grow to melon size. The antidote to this is the decongards." ,,Wow 10 points to Slytherin" Tom mumbled something next to me I think it was something like, I knew that too. "Open page 35 and start brewing."

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