Chapter 2

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(Recap on the last chapter 🙀🌺:When his feet stroked the tile ground he shuddered at the cold. Ryohei converted his weight from his arms which were holding him up at the bed, to his feet, so he could stand.

The raven haired man wobbled out of the room with no clear destination in his mind. That was when he turned and saw a familiar face, a face matching with blond hair, bleached to the scalp and a calm expression on his face.)

Ryohei wanted to approach Chishiya, but he noticed that he was talking to Niragi. Doesn't he hate Niragi? He didn't budge as he awaited Niragi's departure. He left after two minutes, allowing Arisu the opportunity to speak with Chishiya. Hello, Chishiya! He shouted. Chishiya turned around just as he was ready to depart. to turn to face Arisu. "Arisu?" questioned the voice. I guess it's a pleasure to see you. Arisu had probably grinned at Chishiya. Chishiya noticed the grin on Arisu's face, and although he was never extremely effective with emotions, he continued to speak and smile at Chishiya. It's been a long time.

Chishiya was hugged by the man with the raven hair. Confounded, Chishiya clutched Arisu and took a moment to gather his thoughts. Even though the conversation had just begun, the interaction between the two introverts and extroverts was awkward. He and Chishiya released their hold on Arisu and inquired. "Arisu, which room do you occupy?" Arisu gazed at him when he posed the query. Chishiya, why did you inquire about room 45? The boy asked, "No reason... no reason..." with a perplexed expression.

The boy murmured. The two men then proceeded through the hospital, stopping near a machine that sold Ramune, Calpico, Ocean Bomb, and Water. Together with Arisu, the man with bleached hair made their way over to the vending machine. A bleached-haired male walked over to the vending machine with Arisu, trying to figure out what he wanted to drink. "Want something, Arisu?" Arisu was confused until he noticed the vending machine. "Oh s-sure..?" Arisu didn't want the elder to waste anything on him, but he was dehydrated and didn't have any money with him right now, so he accepted it. "There's Ramune, Calpico, the Ocean Bomb, and Water," Chishiya explained as he turned around. Chishiya said, clicking the buttons on the vending machine to get his drink first, "Um, ocean bomb, please!" Chishiya laughed, but Arisu wasn't paying attention. He was deep in his thoughts, and Chishiya wanted to know what he was thinking. "Arisu, are you there?" Chishiya waved his hand in front of Arisu's face, but that didn't work. "ARISU!" After he yelled, Arisu fell back into reality. "Um, sorry, Chishiya, what did you say?" "Nothing important, don't worry," Chishiya said as he looked at the boy. Arisu nodded as Chishiya gave him the drink and started walking. Arisu looked at the drink he had in his hand but didn't drink it. "Hey Arisu, why were you hiding when I was talking with Niragi?" Just as that name came out, Arisu dropped the sparkling water. "Arisu, are you okay?" The blonde-haired male spoke as the other started shaking. "Is something wrong?" Is that Nirag-" "Shut up! Shut up! Please!"

The male yelled, tears flooding out of his eyes. His breathing was now uneven, which scared him more. Chishiya approached the poor boy, who was now hyperventilating, and placed his hand on his shoulder until Arisu tried to push him away. Arisu's face then started going pale, with sadness clouding his features up and down. Arisu wanted to speak; he wanted to yell and scream anything at Chishiya, but nothing came out of his mouth. Not a squeak or a mumble came out of his mouth. Chishiya tried looking for something to help the poor boy, but nothing could be found in the seemingly clean hospital. Arisu began to panic as his vision became less clear and sharp. Hazy..? Was he about to die? He didn't want to die just yet, though. Arisu, stay with me. Don't close your eyes just yet! Somebody yelled, "Was it Chishiya?" "Was it a doctor?" Arisu slowly started to pass out, his vision starting to fade away. There was light for a second, but then darkness.



"Arisu!" he yelled as he fell to the cold, hard floor. Dammit! Chishiya shouted. Why did they have to be located in a place that didn't have any doctors on duty? Even though he intended to leave Arisu all alone to find one, he couldn't! Chishiya's eyes began to dart all over the space. The wall, the vending machine, and then Arisu were the three things he kept focusing on. Chishiya gave the wall one last glance and recognized a call button. Why was he so blind? Chishiya stood up and activated the button. Beep! Beep! A doctor will be there soon. Chishiya was panicking, and he didn't even know what that was! He was always a calm type of person. He knew he had INTJ, but he didn't know it would affect his whole lifestyle. Chishiya looked at the somewhat lifeless boy on the floor, which made him worry more. "Sir, we're going to need you to back away so we can put him on the gurney, please." the doctor said calmly trying not to worry the boy anymore as much as he didn't want to he had to so he moved away looking at the male who was now getting lifted onto the gurney and getting taken away to his own room while chishiya was being occupied with the Nurses

"Sigh," "Ryohei Arisu, we're going to have to keep you in your room; you're clearly not in a good state to move, and we'll ask your guardian if you're open to physical therapy." "Is that fine with you?" The doctor asked, looking at the boy, who was now sitting up with his slouching poster, "Um, yeah, it's fine." Arisu turned away from the door, as if someone was approaching. "Ok, well, that's great anyway; your father is here." I'll talk to him, and then he can come see you, or if you want, he could come inside," the doctor said, then grabbed his clipboard, waiting for Arisu's answer. "I guess he could come in; I don't mind." Arisu said, looking out the window, while the doctor walked over to the door and said, "Hello, Mr. Arisu, please come inside." The doctor and Kenji (Arisu's father) walked into the room, looked at Arisu for a while, and then started talking to each other. Arisu wasn't in on the conversation, but he did hear a few words: "Your son isn't in the right state to be alone or move, so we were wondering if he was open to physical therapy." Here we go again. It's always that he's not in the right state.

Arisu thought about wanting to leave, but if he did, he would probably get lectured again, wouldn't he? "Yes, he's open to therapy, but what type of therapy may I ask?" Kenji looked at his "child" and then back at the doctor. "Sir, we said physical therapy!" Kenji looked at Arisu one more time before turning around. "Okay, well, have a good day, doctor." Kenji walked out of the room before the doctor could answer him back. "Well that's amazing Arisu, your father accepted the physical therapy? Well, sorta, but that's besides the point; we'll start when you're ready!" Arisu nodded, still looking out the window. "That's nice, I guess," the boy said, with no emotion in his tone. "Are you okay Arisu?" the boy turned to look at the doctor "yeah I'm fine really just bored I guess" knock knock knock "Oh someones here let me see who it is" The doctor walked over to the door and opened it "Hey Shuntaro Chishiya are you here to see Ryohei Arisu?" Arisu quickly turned his head around he would probably have whiplash tomorrow "yup is he available I wanted to check up on him"

I'm sorry, what?! did he hear that right? Arisu questioned when Chishiya started to have feelings?! "Yes he is available you guys can talk to each other for now I have to go checkup on another patient by the way make sure he doesn't move that much please" Arisu was still concerned "I will don't worry" Chishiya smiled "Well I gotta go have fun with Arisu!" The doctor yelled walking out of the room "Heya Arisu! Chishiya walked over to Arisu's bed "Hello Chishiya.." Chishiya noticed the tone of voice Arisu had. "Hey um Arisu?" "Yes Chishiya?" "Um, I wanted to talk to you about the borderlands with you..."

A/N (Liam): 🙀🍼

I'm so sorry that this took a long time to come out it's just that I had family things to my older sister was getting her stuff out of the house and I had dance practice I mean I still do I had competitions coming up which is the reason why it took longer I also kinda forgot about this story anyways once again I'm sorry now goodbye ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and last but not least my people who don't know their gender yet hope you have a good day/night or afternoon byeee💖🙀 KaSashi be proud of me or else I'll cry tomorrow 🙀😿

🏃🛍 *Runs after KaSashi while holding groceries*

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